15 Best goal setting software

Top 15 Goal-Setting Software in 2024

“Did you know that 90% of companies fail to achieve their strategic goals because they fail to implement them well?” 

While this fact is indeed startling, it also highlights the importance of effective goal-setting and execution. Without the right tools to align teams, track progress, and ensure accountability, even the best-laid goal-setting processes can falter. 

There was a time when businesses relied on traditional methods like spreadsheets and email chains to set and track goals. Unfortunately, they are no longer sufficient in today’s dynamic business space. That’s where goal-setting software comes into play. 

They automate, streamline, and optimize the entire process of goal management. In this article, let us look at the 15 most popular goal-planning software you can consider in 2024. 

🎯 What is a Goal Setting Software?

Goal-setting software is a centralized system that enables employees to create, prioritize, and track individual, team, and organizational goals. 

There are two main reasons organizations use this software. One, it facilitates collaboration and alignment toward common goals. Two, it allows teams to break down larger objectives into manageable tasks. 

This makes the whole task of assigning responsibilities and tracking progress toward goals much easier.

🤔 Why is a Goal Setting Software Useful?

Benefits Of Using Goal-Setting Software

Here are the key benefits of using goal-setting software: 

👉 Improves Organization and Clarity

By using a goal-setting tool, employees can define clear, measurable goals and even break them down into manageable steps. This makes it way easier to understand what needs to be done. 

More importantly, it ensures that every goal is aligned with the larger strategic objectives of the organization. The result? A more organized and focused path to success. In other words, a space where everyone knows exactly what they need to do and why it matters.

👉 Enhance Motivation and Accountability

Goal-setting software offers regular progress tracking and reminders. This helps users stay on top of their goals, celebrate small wins along the way, and remain motivated to continue making progress. 

Also, by clearly documenting who is responsible for what, these tools build accountability. Every individual employee and team will more likely follow through on their commitments.

👉 Prevent Silos and Improve Productivity

A goal-setting platform offers a centralized platform where all goals are aligned and regularly updated. This eliminates the fragmentation often associated with goal tracking. Without silos, your teams can maintain a cohesive view of objectives.

This centralized approach makes it easy to identify missed goals before they become critical issues, allowing for timely intervention. Goal-setting software can also increase execution velocity and drive overall productivity by keeping all goals transparent and integrated.

👉 Provide Data-Driven Insights

A goal-setting software collects and analyzes data related to goal progress. This enables users to measure their performance, identify trends, and make informed adjustments. This analytical approach helps the entire organization to stay agile and responsive. 

It also ensures that teams can adapt their strategies in real-time. Whether it’s about identifying bottlenecks or recognizing areas of strength, data-driven insights are invaluable for continuous improvement.

👉 Improve Collaboration and Communication

Goal-setting software provides a centralized platform where everyone can view goals, share updates, and discuss progress. In other words, it creates a transparent ecosystem where team members are on the same page. 

This automatically reduces the risk of misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is aligned with the organization’s priorities. Ultimately, teams can work more cohesively toward their shared goals.

✔️ What are the Key Features of Effective Goal Setting Software?

Here are the key features you can find in effective goal-setting software: 

🎯 Goal Creation and Management:This feature allows you to define clear, measurable goals and set deadlines for achieving them. A good tool will also offer flexibility in goal types, whether they are personal, team-oriented, or organizational.

🎯 Weekly and Monthly Goal Reviews: This feature is important for keeping goals on track. It provides an opportunity to assess progress, identify potential roadblocks, and make necessary adjustments to goals on a frequent basis. Weekly and monthly check-ins also help maintain momentum, ensuring that goals remain a priority and are actively pursued.

🎯 Goal Breakdown to Milestones: This feature allows users to create step-by-step plans. It makes it easier to track progress and celebrate incremental achievements. This breakdown also ensures that even the most ambitious goals feel achievable, as users can focus on completing one milestone at a time.

🎯 Aligning Projects to Goals (OKRs): This feature helps you align projects with important goals, particularly through the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework. It ensures that all projects and tasks contribute directly to the achievement of key objectives, helping to eliminate wasted effort and keep teams focused on what matters most. 

🎯 Goal Weightage: This feature helps prioritize efforts by indicating which goals are most important to company success. It lets you assign different levels of importance to various goals. This way, managers can allocate resources more effectively and ensure that high-priority objectives receive the attention they deserve.

🎯 Automated Progress Tracking: This feature automates the goal tracking process. It provides real-time updates on how close users are to achieving their goals. Automated progress tracking not only saves time but also provides an accurate and up-to-date picture of performance. This enables timely interventions if necessary.

🎯 Check-ins and Feedback: This feature allows managers and team members to provide feedback, ask questions, and discuss progress regularly. Ongoing communication creates a culture of transparency and accountability, helping individuals stay on track and make necessary adjustments along the way.

🎯 Performance Reviews: This feature provides a formal opportunity to assess individual and team performance against the set goals. By infusing performance reviews into your goal setting process, you can ensure that achievements are recognized and areas for improvement are addressed in a timely manner.

🎯 Reporting and Analytics: This feature provides insights into goal progress, team performance, and overall trends. Such insights can help you make informed decisions, identify areas of improvement, and adjust strategies to stay on track.

🎯 Collaboration: This feature allows teams to work together on shared goals, communicate easily, and track collective progress. It builds a team-oriented approach to goal achievement via shared dashboards, real-time feeds, and comments.

🎯 Slack and Microsoft Teams Integration: This feature allows your team to stay connected, share updates, and discuss progress without leaving their preferred communication channels. It makes it easier to collaborate and stay informed, no matter where team members are located.

🎯 Customizable Workflows: This feature offers customizable workflows to accommodate the specific needs of organizations. It could be anything from altering the goal setting process to fit specific business models or adjusting the way progress is tracked. 

AI-Powered Insights: This feature analyzes data and identifies patterns. It then provides predictive insights, suggests adjustments to goals, and even recommends best practices based on historical performance. It helps you make proactive decisions that drive better outcomes.

🏆 15 Best Goal-Setting Software To Consider in 2024

Here is a list of the 15 best goal-setting software that you can consider adopting in your organization in 2024: 

1. Peoplebox

Peoplebox goal setting software

Peoplebox is a leading goal-setting software designed to enhance organizational alignment and productivity by providing tools for setting, tracking, and achieving goals. It is particularly favored for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features that cater to the needs of teams and organizations aiming for effective goal management.

It also integrates with all work tools, including SQL, Jira, Hubspot, Asana, and more, to make goal alignment and tracking, business review meetings, and performance reviews easy and efficient.

💡Key Features

1) Dynamic OKR Framework

Peoplebox seamlessly integrates the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) framework, empowering organizations to define clear objectives and measurable key results. This structured methodology not only aligns teams but also drives focus and accountability, ensuring everyone is working towards shared goals.

2) Cascading Goals for Strategic Alignment

With the ability to cascade goals from the organizational level down to individual contributors, Peoplebox ensures that every team member’s efforts contribute to overarching company objectives. This strategic alignment fosters a unified direction, enhancing collaboration and synergy across departments.

3) Real-Time Progress Tracking

Stay on top of your goals with Peoplebox’s real-time progress tracking. Teams can visualize their advancements, celebrate milestones, and identify areas needing attention. This immediate feedback loop keeps motivation high and encourages continuous improvement.

4) Seamless Integrations

Peoplebox effortlessly integrates with popular tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Jira, and Google Workspace. This means you can manage your goals within your existing workflows, reducing friction and enhancing productivity without the need to switch between multiple platforms.

5) Structured Check-ins and 1:1 Meetings

Regular check-ins and 1:1 meetings are essential for maintaining momentum. Peoplebox facilitates these interactions, allowing managers and employees to discuss progress, address challenges, and recalibrate goals as needed. This ongoing dialogue ensures that everyone remains aligned and engaged.

6) Customizable Templates for Efficiency

Save time and maintain consistency with Peoplebox’s library of customizable templates for goal-setting, performance reviews, and employee engagement surveys. These templates streamline the process, allowing teams to focus on what matters most—achieving their goals.

Book a demo with Peoplebox

📊 Why pick Peoplebox?

👉🏼 Seamless Alignment: Effortlessly align and track strategic priorities across your organization.

👉🏼 Versatile Frameworks: Easily adapt to any goal-setting framework, including OKR, MBO, BSC, and KRA.

👉🏼 Enhanced Productivity: Streamline goal execution to boost team alignment and overall productivity.

👉🏼 Holistic Performance Management: Access a comprehensive suite of performance management tools in one platform.

👉🏼 Customizable Templates: Utilize ready-to-go templates for consistency and efficiency in goal-setting and reviews.

👉🏼 Automated Reminders: Keep teams accountable with automated reminders and nudges throughout the review cycle.

👉🏼 Proven Impact: Join over 500 companies, including industry leaders, who trust Peoplebox to drive exceptional results.

User review for Peoplebox

💰 Pricing

While Peoplebox offers multiple plans suited to different HR functions, the OKR platform plan is the ideal choice for goal management.

Priced competitively at $8 per month, this plan gives you access to most of the key features you need to streamline and automate the goal-setting process, including KPIs Board, Business Reviews, 1:1s, etc. 

If you want additional features, you can pick one among the Full Suite – Professional ($12 per month) and the Full Suite – Premium($15 per month) plans. For complete customizable solution, go for the Enterprise plan. Here is a summary of all the pricing plans offered by Peoplebox – 



Key Features

Talent Management


Goals, Performance Reviews, 1-1 Meetings, Engagement Surveys, 9-box and Calibration, Performance & Productivity Check-in

OKR Platform


OKR (Goals), Business Reviews, Project Management, Integrations, KPIs Board, 1:1s

Full Suite – Professional


Everything in Talent Management & OKR Platform plans

Full Suite – Premium


Everything in Full Suite Professional, Customer Success Manager, Onboarding & Implementation, Managers Training

Enterprise Plan


Everything in Full Suite Premium, Custom Integrations, Tailored Solutions, Custom Onboarding, Dedicated Customer Success Manager, SSO

2. Leapsome


Leapsome is a goal-setting software that empowers organizations to establish, monitor, and fulfill their objectives. This HR software offers a diverse set of features and capabilities, such as personalized dashboards, integrations with a variety of tools, live monitoring of progress, and tools for enhancing employee engagement.

💡Key Features 

Goals and OKRs: Leapsome keeps a tab on your company’s objectives, irrespective of the process or framework you employ. It offers customized OKR frameworks and reduces quarterly administrative tasks. 

Performance reviews: It helps you conduct straightforward performance evaluations, agile project assessments, 360-degree reviews, and confidential leadership assessments.

Private feedback and public praise: It allows you to share valuable feedback with your colleagues privately, aiding them in developing their skills and enhancing their performance. It also lets you acknowledge accomplishments and commend the outstanding efforts of your colleagues by providing public appreciation.

📊 Why pick Leapsome?

👉🏼 Leapsome enables users to create personalized OKR frameworks that align with their distinct requirements and objectives. 

👉🏼 The goal tree feature of Leapsome allows linking company, team, and individual objectives that emphasize the ownership and interdependence of OKRs.

👉🏼 The feedback tool is remarkably efficient, and its integration with Slack is immensely convenient. 

💰 Pricing

Request a demo to get the pricing details

3. Profit.Co


Profit. co is another goal management software worth exploring. It assists users in implementing their strategies and follows an OKR-focused approach. Using Profit.Co you can devise a quarterly cycle of OKR planning and execution while receiving real-time updates on task progress. 

💡 Key Features

Goal setting: Profit. co enables easy goal-setting with its intuitive goal-setting software. It supports businesses in staying on course with their team goals, helps them prioritize objectives, saves time, engages employees, and implements strategies with limited resources. 

Seven types of key results tracking: It enables you to track any type of objective using seven different key result types. It also offers measurable key result types for quantifiable outcomes and trackable key result types for non-measurable ones. 

OKR Features: The platform is user-friendly and provides a built-in, step-by-step guide and templates for implementing OKRs. The tool also provides easily accessible reviews, weekly check-ins, and progress reports on OKRs.

📊 Why pick Profit.Co?

👉🏼 It has over 400 built-in and customizable KPIs that allow you to effortlessly begin establishing your key results.

👉🏼 The dashboard is visually appealing, incorporating graphs and charts for monitoring progress.

💰 Pricing

Reach out to the sales team of Profit.Co for personalized pricing plans.

4. Asana


Asana is a task and project management tool for teams of all sizes and industries. It offers an extensive set of features that promote efficient workflow management, seamless collaboration, and goal attainment. Asana is a comprehensive platform for tracking goal progress and working collaboratively in a shared space.

💡 Key Features

Project management: With its strong project planning feature, Asana enables users to stay on track with their timelines, manage work requests, and initiate projects more efficiently. You can create project timelines, establish milestones and dependencies, and track progress visually through timelines and Gantt charts.

Moderated visibility of feedback: Asana offers controlled visibility with its private and comment-only project features, which help safeguard sensitive work and ensure that no one can modify data.

Real-time reports: Asana provides real-time project reports through dashboards that consolidate project data in one place. This feature enables users to monitor progress, track completed and pending tasks, and display KPIs in one place.

📊 Why pick Asana?

👉🏼 Asana is a versatile project management software that can help streamline both small and large-scale projects. 

👉🏼 The intuitive UI makes it easy for non-tech people to navigate and use the platform for simple features.

👉🏼 The platform offers several customization options.

💰 Pricing

The plan which lets you manage goals costs $24.99 per user per month. 

5. Engagedly


Engagedly focuses on people and strategy, utilizing a People Success Model that aims to bridge the gap between the two. This model is based on a 3-pillar framework, which aligns organizational strategy with people strategy by focusing on performance execution, development enablement, and people engagement. 

💡 Key Features

Goal setting and tracking: Engagedly enables the creation of personalized check-ins and indicators to monitor progress, assisting employees in measuring their performance against company objectives.

Analytics: The tool offers a centralized dashboard that is both comprehensive and interactive. This dashboard provides a clear view of key metrics, enabling managers to identify top performers and access detailed reports to develop plans.

Employee engagement: Engagedly promotes idea sharing and innovation, which enables employees to engage with others and participate in company goals. It also works to enhance communication among employees and encourage cultural alignment within the organization.

📊 Why pick Engagedly? 

👉🏼 Engagedly has a centralized location for everyone to monitor progress and track goals for the company, team, and individuals.

👉🏼 It is a very flexible tool when it comes to giving and receiving feedback. 

👉🏼 The initial setup may require some effort. However, the tool is relatively straightforward to use once it’s up and running.

💰 Pricing

Book a demo to get the pricing details

6. Microsoft Viva Goals

Microsoft Viva Goals

Microsoft Viva Goals is a cloud-based tool that simplifies goal setting, tracking, and achievement. It serves as a central hub for managing goal setting and execution. It has various features, such as OKR management, progress tracking, collaboration tools, and reporting and analytics. 

💡 Key Features 

Collaboration: Microsoft Viva Goals facilitates easy collaboration with colleagues on OKR planning. The platform offers multiple visual displays for alignment, enabling users to track collaboration and align their OKRs with team and organizational objectives.

Engagement: Microsoft Viva Goals offers a broad range of data visibility and tools to engage with information and colleagues. Users can follow or pin people, teams, and reports within the platform to keep track of their progress. They can like and comment on their activity to show support and foster collaboration. 

Review Dashboard: The Review Dashboard feature of Microsoft Viva Goals offers a visual way to organize and present data for different types of communication at different levels of the organization. It includes all-hands meetings and quarterly business reviews at the organizational level, stand-ups and bi-weekly progress updates at the team level, and one-on-ones at the individual level. 

📊 Why pick Microsoft Viva Goals?

👉🏼 The social features of Viva Goals help improve communication and teamwork among colleagues. 

👉🏼 By using the Review Dashboard, colleagues can collaborate, review data, identify risks, and stay focused on achieving company goals. 


Viva Goals and Viva Suite are the two plans offered by this platform. They are priced at Rs.500/user/month and Rs.1000/user/month, respectively. 

7. ClickUp


ClickUp is a popular project management and productivity tool designed to help teams of all sizes streamline their workflow and manage projects more effectively. It offers a range of features and capabilities that can be customized to fit the unique needs of each team.

💡Key Features

Collaboration capabilities: ClickUp allows users to assign tasks, leave comments, and communicate with team members in real-time. You can create shared spaces dedicated to projects or teams and invite relevant members to participate. This helps teams stay on track and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Automation: ClickUp also offers a range of automation options that can help teams save time and reduce manual work. For example, users can set up automatic notifications and reminders, create custom workflows, and set up recurring tasks.

Task Management tool: ClickUp’s task management is a versatile feature. It can be customized to suit your needs. It offers you the ability to create tasks, set deadlines, assign them to team members, and attach descriptions, comments, and files. 

📊 Why pick ClickUp?

👉🏼 It allows users to create a variety of task types, including lists, boards, calendars, and tables. This means that teams can choose the format that best fits their workflow and preferences. 

👉🏼 You can add custom fields and tags on ClickUp to organize your tasks based on priority, status, or any other criteria you choose.

👉🏼 The intuitive UI of ClickUp makes it effortless for teams to get started and navigate through the tool easily. 


It is a free tool.

8. Lattice


Lattice is a performance management software that provides comprehensive features for HR professionals, managers, and employees. The platform helps organizations streamline their performance management processes, set goals and objectives, give and receive feedback, and encourage their employees.

💡 Key Features

Goal Setting: With Lattice, employees and managers can set and track individual, team, and company-wide goals. The platform also offers features such as cascading goals, goal progress tracking, and check-ins to keep everyone aligned and on track towards achieving their objectives.

360-degree feedback: Lattice also provides a 360-degree feedback system that allows employees to receive feedback from their peers, managers, and other stakeholders. The platform offers customizable templates for feedback, as well as the ability to schedule regular check-ins and reviews. 

Performance reviews: Lattice offers performance reviews and employee engagement surveys. It allows managers to conduct performance evaluations, track progress, and provide feedback to employees. 

📊 Why pick Lattice?

👉🏼 Lattice’s engagement surveys allow organizations to measure employee satisfaction and gather insights to improve the employee experience.

👉🏼 Its evaluation tools are highly effective in monitoring employee performance and guiding them towards achieving their objectives.

👉🏼 Lattice has a robust review system that allows for goal tracking and feedback which brings transparency and creates clarity, giving employees the necessary context for management decisions.


Lattice’s paid plans start at $11 per month per user.

9. Weekdone


Weekdone is another productivity tool that facilitates the setting of company goals, team alignment, and management while also allowing for individual performance tracking based on task progress. It is efficient in tracking OKRs and providing feedback to improve performance.

💡 Key Features

OKR Alignment: Weekdone makes it easy to set and align OKRs across the organization, with goals and progress visible to all team members. The platform also provides KPI tracking and color-coded OKR tracking to ensure that everyone has a clear view of the organization’s strategy.

Collaboration: Weekdone prioritizes engagement and coordination by fostering a connected company environment. The platform offers openly shared OKR plans and initiatives, a news feed for updates, public praise, and feedback options, among other features, to cultivate a collaborative workspace culture.

Visualize OKR hierarchy: Weekdone offers a comprehensive overview of goals and their connections through interactive dashboards. With multiple visualization views to choose from, it’s easy to add, align, and update OKRs across the company, department, and team levels.

📊 Why pick Weekdone?

👉🏼 With features like news feeds, public praise, and feedback options, Weekdone encourages a more connected and engaged work environment.

👉🏼 Users can choose from multiple visualization options to see their OKRs in a way that makes the most sense for their team or department.

👉🏼 The platform offers detailed analytics and reporting features to help teams measure their progress. It also creates automated reports that help you identify areas for improvement.


There is a free version of this tool ideal for 1-3 users. The premium paid plans start at $9 per seat per month when billed annually.

10. Perdoo


Perdoo is an OKR management tool that allows teams and organizations to set, track, and achieve their objectives and key results. It emphasizes employee engagement and helps businesses stay aligned and focused on their goals. It provides a user-friendly interface for teams to collaborate and stay engaged.

💡 Key Features

KPIs and OKRs: Perdoo helps you track KPIs alongside your OKRs to fully align them with your strategy. It enables you to create insightful connections and gain a deeper understanding of the progress being made towards your objectives. You can even set an OKR to improve a KPI and work towards achieving both simultaneously.

Reporting: Perdoo helps you adapt quickly and make informed decisions based on real-time data. It also stores those learnings for future reference. With the ability to build custom reports and dashboards, Perdoo helps you identify issues and course-correct as needed. 

Easy Check-ins: Perdoo allows you to seamlessly share your achievements, challenges, and progress to keep everyone informed and aligned. Regular check-ins provide opportunities to improve 1:1s and remove recency bias from performance reviews, allowing you to achieve more goals and make more progress over time.

📊 Why pick Perdoo?

👉🏼 With Perdoo you can make the OKR method a team effort, promoting visibility and accountability for all team members.

👉🏼 Perdoo enables you to have both a high-level view of strategy and a detailed view of level-by-level goals within the same app. 

👉🏼 The check-in function is quite helpful for establishing a strong level of accountability. 


There is a forever-free plan. Apart from that, there are two more plans viz. Premium and Supreme. While the former costs $6.40 per user per month, the latter costs $8 per user per month. The prices are applicable when billed annually. 

11. Betterworks


At its core, Betterworks is built on the principles of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), providing a structured framework that enables businesses to set measurable, clear goals and track progress in real-time. Betterworks offers a range of features, including goal setting, performance reviews, and employee engagement tools.

With Betterworks, organizations can create a more agile and responsive work environment where goals are regularly updated and performance is continuously optimized.

💡 Key Features

OKR Goal Setting and Alignment: Betterworks’ OKR framework allows organizations to set clear, measurable goals across all levels. The alignment of employee’s goals across the organization builds a unified approach to achieving success.

Calibration: Betterworks offers a powerful calibration feature that ensures fair and consistent evaluation of employee performance. By using data-driven insights, organizations can reduce bias in performance reviews, allowing for a more objective assessment of employees’ contributions. 

Feedback: Managers and peers can offer constructive insights that help employees stay on track with their goals and improve their performance.

📊 Why pick Betterworks?

👉🏼 In Betterworks, it is very easy to track progress and adjust strategies that contribute directly to the company’s overall vision.

👉🏼 Betterworks also includes mechanisms for ongoing recognition, which boosts morale and encourages employees to maintain high levels of productivity. 

👉🏼 The tool provides AI-driven insights that help create interactive experiences for users while setting and managing goals.


Request a demo to get the pricing details

12. WorkBoard


WorkBoard is a strategy execution platform and is designed for leaders who need to articulate their objectives clearly. The tool connects objectives to key results and drives execution at every level of the organization.

WorkBoard’s intuitive interface and collaborative features make it easier for teams to stay on the same page, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same strategic goals. One of WorkBoard’s standout features is its real-time tracking and analytics, which provide visibility into how well teams are executing their goals. 

💡 Key features

Real-Time OKR Tracking: WorkBoard’s real-time OKR tracking feature allows organizations to monitor progress on objectives and key results as they happen. The transparency provided by real-time tracking keeps everyone informed about how their work contributes to broader goals. It also enables swift decision-making and course corrections, ensuring that the organization remains on track to achieve its objectives.

Distill and Deliver Progress Summaries: WorkBoard’s AI capabilities distill progress into actionable summaries. This ensures stakeholders receive the right information at the right time. 

Managing and Coaching People: This feature identifies which team members need attention and what they require coaching on. It allows managers to go into meetings fully prepared with insights into what team members have achieved and the challenges they’ve faced. Ultimately, it enables more effective coaching that keeps everyone on track to achieve their goals.

📊 Why pick WorkBoard?

👉🏼 WorkBoard integrates seamlessly with popular project management and communication tools, making it an integral part of the daily workflow. 

👉🏼 WorkBoard helps organizations accelerate their strategic initiatives and achieve their business goals by building accountability.

👉🏼 WorkBoard’s Co-Author AI feature can instantly create summaries for scorecards.


Book a demo to get the pricing details

13. 15Five

15 Five

15Five is a continuous performance management platform that places a strong emphasis on continuous feedback, employee engagement, and personal growth. 15Five is designed to facilitate ongoing communication between managers and employees.

Through weekly check-ins, 1-on-1 meetings, and peer recognition features, the platform helps to build a culture of open dialogue, where employees feel valued and supported. 15Five’s tools for goal setting, performance reviews, and career development are all aimed at helping organizations create a thriving workplace culture.

By focusing on the human side of work, 15Five empowers employees to reach their full potential and, in turn, drives organizational success.

💡 Key Features

1-on-1 Meetings and Goal Tracking: 15Five’s 1-on-1 meeting feature allows managers and employees to have regular, meaningful conversations about goals, performance, and development. 

Weekly Check-Ins: The weekly check-in feature of 15Five ensures continuous alignment between employees and their goals. This regular interaction helps in identifying and addressing issues before they escalate, keeping projects on track.

Integration with All Major HRIS Systems: 15Five seamlessly integrates with all major Human Resource Information Systems, streamlining HR processes and ensuring that employee data is always up-to-date and synchronized. 

📊 Why pick 15Five?

👉🏼 During meetings, 15Five enables managers to review progress, provide feedback, and discuss any challenges employees may be facing within the tool.

👉🏼 The myriad of integrations offered by 15Five allows you to automate tasks such as onboarding, goal setting, and performance reviews. This not only reduces administrative burden but also minimizes errors.

👉🏼 The check-in feature of 15Five builds an ecosystem of transparency and open communication. This helps in strengthening the relationship between managers and their teams.


The basic plan of 15Five that lets you manage goals is priced at $10/per user/per month when billed annually.

14. Cascade


Cascade is a planning & execution software with a focus on goal setting. The tool enables organisations to plan, execute, and track their strategic goals with ease and precision. The platform is designed to help businesses of all sizes create detailed strategic plans and monitor progress through customizable dashboards and reports.

One of Cascade’s key strengths is its ability to break down complex strategies into actionable tasks and milestones.

💡 Key Features

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting: By breaking down complex strategies into specific goals, Cascade ensures that every team and individual knows exactly what they need to do. This feature supports both top-down and bottom-up planning, ensuring that all levels of the organization are aligned.

Goal Alignment and Execution: This alignment capability of Cascade ensures that every action taken at the team level contributes to the broader business objectives, creating a cohesive and focused approach to strategy execution. 

Customizable Dashboards and Reporting: Cascade’s dashboards can be tailored to display the most relevant metrics, allowing teams and leaders to quickly assess performance and make informed decisions. 

📊 Why pick Cascade?

👉🏼 The platform offers features that facilitate the execution of goals by providing clear guidance and tracking. This ensures that progress is consistently monitored and that teams stay on course.

👉🏼 The reporting features of Cascade offer detailed insights into the status of strategic initiatives. This helps identify trends, anticipate challenges, and adjust strategies as needed.

👉🏼 With Cascade’s goal-tracking features, every team member knows exactly what they need to do to contribute to the organization’s strategic goals. 


Reach out to Cascade’s sales team for a personalized quote.

15. Trakstar


Trakstar is a performance management solution that simplifies employee evaluations. Apart from goal management, Trakstar is known for its review templates, which can be tailored to align with diverse organizational needs. This ensures more meaningful and impactful performance reviews.

The platform also emphasizes continuous feedback, which supports ongoing dialogue and professional growth. The robust goal-setting module enables collaborative planning and tracking of objectives between employees and managers. 

💡 Key Features

Goal Setting: Trakstar’s performance management system streamlines assessments, facilitates SMART goal setting, and enhances talent management. It makes all these processes simpler and more effective.

Integrations: Trakstar can be integrated with a variety of HRIS and communication platforms to make it a single source of truth for all employee information.

Benchmarking: This feature lets you analyze your talent management in real time. You will be able to better understand how your retention trends compare to peer groups and identify opportunities for improvement.

📊 Why pick Trakstar?

👉🏼 Trakstar Perform provides 360-degree feedback capabilities, allowing comprehensive assessments from colleagues, direct reports, and supervisors. 

👉🏼 Trakstar offers powerful analytics that highlight performance patterns and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

👉🏼 It is a user-friendly software that is perfect for businesses looking to modernize their goal management process.


You need to fill out a form on their website to get the pricing details.

✔️ How to Select the Right Goal Setting Software?

Here is a step-by-step process to select the right goal-setting software: 

Step# 1: Evaluate User Experience

First and foremost, you need to check whether the tool has any learning curve or not. A user-friendly interface is the key to the smooth adoption of any software, including a goal-setting tool. Ensure the software is easy to navigate.

You can access their trial versions to assess the user experience firsthand. If there is no trial, ask for a demo from their team and evaluate the software’s user-friendliness during the session.

Step# 2: Check Integration Capabilities

Next, check if the tool seamlessly integrates with your existing HR and communication systems. This is important to stay away from data silos. More importantly, a solid integration will ensure that information flows efficiently across different platforms. Ultimately, it will lead to an error-free goal management process.

Step# 3: Assess Scalability

Your organization is not going to remain the same; it will grow. The tool you choose should also grow with it. The next step is to check whether the software can accommodate an increasing number of users. Also, find out whether it offers additional features to support your expanding business needs.

The best way to assess scalability is by asking their tech team during the demo. You might also find the information in their technical documents. 

Step# 4: Ensure Comprehensive Support

Strong customer support is essential for both implementation and ongoing use. So look for a tool that offers 24/7 assistance. Apart from that, there should be an abundant volume of training resources, including manuals, training videos, and webinars. This will ensure that you can resolve issues quickly and make the most of the tool’s features.

Step# 5: Explore Customization Options

The tool you choose might promise to be the best. But that doesn’t mean it will be the best for you. Every organization has different needs. You must ensure that the tool you choose can be customized to match your specific processes and requirements.

A good goal setting tool will be flexible enough to allow customization that can better support your strategic goals and operational workflows.

Step# 6: Analyze Reporting and Analytics

Robust reporting and analytics are key to tracking performance metrics and generating valuable insights. Evaluate how the software handles data analysis and whether it provides the detailed reports and visualizations needed to measure progress and drive decision-making.

Step# 7: Compare Costs

Finally, consider the total cost of ownership. This includes licensing fees, implementation costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses. Compare these costs with your budget to ensure that the software is not only effective but also financially sustainable for your organization.

Leverage Peoplebox for Effective Goal Setting

Out of the 15 tools, Peoplebox is the only goal-setting software that is:

👉 User-friendly

👉 Integrates with a wide range of HR systems and communication tools

👉 Scalable

👉 Offers white-glove support

👉 Can be customized to suit any business or industry

👉 Comes with advanced reporting and analytics capabilities

👉 Affordable

Apart from that, Peoplebox offers some of the most robust goal-setting features like KPI Board, Customised & Interactive Review Dashboards, and Cross-Functional OKRs, to name a few. 

Interested to experience the power of the best goal-setting software? 

Book a demo, and we will be happy to show you a personalized demo. 

FAQs on Goal Setting

1) What is the best goal-setting software?

From the last section of this guide, you would have understood that Peoplebox is currently the best goal-setting software as it offers all the must-have features required from a robust goal-setting software, that too at an affordable rate. The platform also has no learning curve making it suitable even for brands that are new to goal setting and goal management. 

2)  What is the requirement for goal setting?

Your goal should be clear and specific. Ambiguous or broad goals can be counterproductive, as they lack the necessary direction. Goals are meant to guide you, so make it as straightforward as possible to reach your destination by clearly defining exactly where you want to go.

3) What are the questions about goal setting?

Some of the questions you must answer during the process of goal setting include:

  • What are your employees trying to achieve?
  • How will you know that they have achieved the goals? 
  • Are the goals aligned with the organizational goals?
  • Do the employees know why they need to achieve the goals?

4) What is the main purpose of goal setting?

Goal setting enables your employees to focus on the next steps. In other words, it helps them move in the direction your company wants. It also ensures that the employees are aware of why they should take specific actions.

5) Is goal setting a useful strategy?

Absolutely. It can make all the difference in the success of your organization. While the goals you set are important, it is also important to ensure how you set your goals. Choosing the right software is the key to ensuring that your goal-setting process is successful. 

Table of Contents

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Top 15 Goal-Setting Software in 2024