Failing to get responses on your recent employee engagement survey questions?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
It is one of the common challenges HR leaders face when building survey forms. You know that a few employees will be diligent and fill the survey form on time. But not all employees will feel encouraged to fill your survey.
They may take a look at the form but avoid filling them. If the open rate is high yet the completion rate is low, chances are that your questionnaire might have demotivated them.
Understand that employees have certain challenges at the workplace and sometimes not all your questions allow them to be vocal about them.
That’s one of the reasons why you need to change the questions you add to your next employee engagement survey. And if you are looking for inspiration to create your employee engagement surveys questions, you’ve reached the right blog!
Building a playbook to consistently measure and understand employee engagement is one of the top priorities of HR leaders. But, most HR leaders struggle as most of their time goes in collecting feedback through google forms or spreadsheets.

As a talent management platform, Peoplebox helps you measure employee engagement and close the engagement loop. You can track relevant data and arrive at data-driven decisions that help you build a super-engaged team.
1. Capture real-time engagement data
With our engagement scorecard, you can identify possible reasons that impact the culture and overall employee engagement at your organization. The score breakdown helps you understand how many employees are actively engaged with different areas of the workplace.
2. Ready-to-use template

Avoid building employee engagement surveys from scratch. With our ready-to-use templates, you can avoid brainstorming for relevant questions that are likely to get more engagement from employees. You can find a list of questions that will allow you to expedite the process of survey building and sharing.
3. Schedule automated reminders and nudges

Let your employees know at equal time intervals that they need to submit their responses within the deadline. Our nudges help you bring 100% participation from employees and get access to detailed insights that allow you to improve engagement at the workplace.
4. Easily integrate with Slack
Want your employees to take pulse surveys faster without them going and checking their emails for the notifications? If that’s a BIG yes, integrate our Peoplebox with the Slack platform. This integration will allow your employees to take pulse surveys directly from the Slack platform.
5. Seamlessly export engagement data into powerpoints

Spending a lot of time preparing an employee engagement report? Well, Peoplebox creates employee engagement reports and lets you export it in a beautiful presentation to help you save time and effort.
These detailed features help you identify possible areas that hamper employee engagement and work culture. But there are more.
Explore our employee engagement features here!
We now know how seamless your survey creation process can be along with result monitoring and presentation. So, it is time to explore some of the pivotal questions you can ask in your employee engagement surveys.
Top 80+ Employee Engagement Survey Questions You Must Include
This section solely focuses on questions that you can add in your survey forms. They have been divided into different sections so that you can easily choose the right questions for different engagement surveys.
Let’s dive in!
A. Engagement
1. How happy are you working at our workplace?
2. How motivated are you to work with at our company?
3. How likely are you to recommend us as a workplace to your friends and family?
4. If you were the CEO, what’s the one thing you would change about our organization?
5. Do you see yourself working with us 12 months from now?
6. What are the biggest time wasters for you at work each week?
B. Manager Support
7. How motivated are you to work with your manager at our organization?
8. Are you satisfied with your manager’s availability when you face a challenge?
9. What is that one thing that your manager can do to make you feel more recognised and motivated?
10. Does your manager care about your overall well being (mental, physical, emotional)?
11. If you have new ideas, are you comfortable sharing it with your manager?
12. Does your manager give you work that utilizes your skills and abilities?
13. When you approach your manager with a work problem, how satisfied are you with the guidance you receive?
14. Does your manager encourage it, when you come up with creative & innovative ideas?
15. Has your manager created an environment where all team members trust and help each other?
16. Does your manager give you freedom to decide how to do your work?
17. Is your manager empathetic to understand your personal problems?
18. Are you satisfied with how frequently you meet your manager for 1:1 feedback sessions?
19. Do you find the feedback you receive from your manager specific and actionable?
20. Does your manager’s feedback help you to grow and develop?
21. Does your manager help develop your skills & strengths to perform better?
22. Do you feel that your manager micromanages?
C. Feedback & Recognition
23. Can you respectfully disagree with your manager at the company without a fear of negative consequences?
24. Is your manager open and respectful to your feedback?
25. Does your manager recognize your accomplishments?
26. Do you feel that our company has adequate ways in which employees are recognised for doing good work?
D. Career Growth
27. How happy are you with the career prospects you see for yourself at our organization?
28. Have you had a meaningful conversation with your manager about your career in the past 3 months?
29. Do you think your company supports you in your professional development?
30. Do we provide you enough L&D opportunities aligned to your career needs?
31. Do you feel you have had the opportunity to learn and grow at your job in the past 3 months?
32. Are you happy with your manager ‘s participation in your career growth?
33. Do you have a clear understanding of your career or promotion path?
34. How satisfied are you with any training programs you may have attended in the past 3 months?
35. Does our company offer challenging & progressive career opportunities to good performers?
36. What are some learning & development opportunities we can provide to help enhance your career?
E. Role Clarity & Expectations
37. Are you clear of your goals and responsibilities at work?
38. Are the business goals that you are currently working on realistic and achievable?
39. Do you feel your opinions were considered in setting your current goals?
40. Does your daily work at our company give you the opportunity to do what you do best?
41. Is the project allocated to you well suited to your skills and strengths?
42. Do you understand how your work contributes to your team goals?
43. Do you feel you’re well-informed about the daily tasks you need to complete?
44. Do you see your goals clearly contributing to your business and company’s outcome?
45. Does your current role challenge you to be better?
46. Are you clear how your daily tasks relate to achieving your goals and objectives?
F. Vision & Leadership
47. Do you believe the Leaders have set a clear direction for the company?
48. Is the top management open & respectful to employee feedback?
49. Are you comfortable voicing your opinions in the all hands meeting?
50. Does the leadership team and its vision for the company inspire you to perform better?
51. Does the company clearly communicate its goals and strategies to you?
52. Do leaders set examples by demonstrating organization values in their actions?
53. What are the 3 things you would like the CEO to address as a priority?
54. Do you have communication channels available to convey your feedback to the top management?
G. Infrastructure & Support
55. Do you have the right tools & resources to do your job well at our company?
56. How satisfied are you with the support you get from the departments you regularly interact with?
57. Do you feel we offer a well designed & adequate workspace?
58. How satisfied are you with the company’s actions to promote employee wellness (resources, programs, etc.)?
H. Company Culture
59. Is the overall culture positive and motivating?
60. Do you feel you can maintain a healthy balance between work and your personal life?
61. Do you think our culture is supportive of change?
62. Does your organization provide you with flexible working arrangements?
63. Do you feel we treat everyone equally without any discrimination?
64. Is the company’s culture inclusive of everyone?
65. In the past one month, did you find your workload manageable?
66. Do you have good friends at work?
67. What practices should we change to develop a better culture?
68. What three words would you use to describe our work culture?
I. Teamwork & Collaboration
69. Do you have a clear understanding about your team’s objective for this quarter?
70. Are you happy with how your team has established clear, prioritized goals?
71. Does your team efficiently deal with challenges in the project?
72. Do your team members help each other deal with problems or resolve issues?
73. Are communications among peers honest and transparent?
74. Are you happy with your involvement in the new projects your team takes up?
75. How comfortable are you to seek and give constructive feedback to your team?
76. How satisfied are you with the support you get from your team members when you’re stuck?
77. Are you comfortable voicing your opinions to your team members?
J. Performance Appraisals
78. Are you satisfied with how performance is measured and rewarded at the company?
79. Did your last performance appraisal discussion help you arrive at any specific action for improvement?
80. Do you feel your last Performance appraisal was fair and transparent?
81. Do you see a clear link between individual performance and pay?
Start Building Your Employee Engagement Surveys Without Delays!
With our list of employee engagement survey questions, encourage employees to complete the form and send the feedback your way. But rather than creating one from scratch using platforms like Google Forms, you can try Peoplebox instead.
Our platform helps you send out surveys and captures real-time insights that allow you identify possible reasons that stop you from having a super-engaged team. Take a free demo today to experience the seamless survey creation process!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a good employee engagement survey?
A good survey is short, focused, and covers essential topics such as job satisfaction, manager support, growth opportunities, and overall workplace culture. It should include both quantitative and qualitative questions for a comprehensive view.
2. How to run an employee engagement survey?
To run an effective survey, communicate its purpose, keep it anonymous, use a mix of open-ended and scaled questions, and ensure it is short and focused. Follow up with actionable insights and share results transparently to drive engagement.
3. What is the pulse survey for employee engagement?
A pulse survey is a short, frequent survey that gauges employee sentiment on specific issues like workload, job satisfaction, or work-life balance. It provides real-time insights and helps organizations quickly identify and address concerns.