Top 10 Employee Performance xSoftware

Top 10 Employee Performance Review Software

As organizations incrеasingly rеcognizе thе pivotal rolе of workforcе productivity and еngagеmеnt, thе dеmand for еfficiеnt pеrformancе managеmеnt procеssеs has surgеd. Lеvеraging tеchnology is a kеy stratеgy to еnhancе еfficiеncy in thеsе procеssеs. Howеvеr, with a plеthora of options availablе, choosing thе right еmployее pеrformancе rеviеw softwarе can bе a daunting task.

That’s why, in this blog post, wе brеak down thе top 10 еmployее pеrformancе еvaluation softwarе to еnhancе your pеrformancе rеviеw еxpеriеncе and boost ovеrall еfficiеncy in workforcе managеmеnt.

Try Peoplebox Employee Performance Review Software
Try Peoplebox Employee Performance Review Software

What is Employee Performance Review Software?

Employee performance review software is a specialized tool designed to streamline and enhance the performance evaluation process within organizations. This software serves as a centralized platform for conducting, documenting, and analyzing employee performance assessments. It facilitates efficient communication between managers and employees, allowing for comprehensive feedback, goal management, and performance improvement plans.

This technology is engineered to replace traditional, paper-based performance review methods, offering a more organized and data-driven approach to workforce management. Through intuitive interfaces, managers can assess individual and team performance, identify areas for improvement, and recognize achievements. The software often includes features such as goal tracking, competency assessments, and 360-degree feedback mechanisms.

By automating the employee’s performance review process, this software not only saves time but also enables organizations to maintain a consistent and transparent approach to employee evaluations. It plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of continuous improvement, aligning individual contributions with business goals, and ultimately enhancing overall workforce productivity.

Key Criteria for Selecting Employee Performance Review Software

Selecting the right employee performance evaluation software is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. To ensure you make an informed choice, here are key criteria to guide your evaluation:

A guide to choosing the right employee performance review software
A guide to choosing the right employee performance review software

Customization Capabilities:

  • Look for software that offers customization options to align with your organization’s unique performance evaluation processes and criteria.
  • The ability to tailor the software ensures that it accommodates specific performance metrics, competencies, and objectives relevant to your business.


  • Choose software that can scale alongside your organization’s growth.
  • A scalable solution ensures that the software remains effective as your workforce expands, preventing the need for frequent system changes.

User-Friendly Interface:

  • Opt for software with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • A straightforward design promotes easy adoption across all levels of the organization, fostering engagement and ensuring a smooth transition to the new performance evaluation system.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics:

  • Ensure the software provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • Advanced reporting tools empower management to derive meaningful insights from performance data, aiding in strategic decision-making and continuous improvement efforts.

Integration with Existing Systems:

  • Consider the compatibility and ease of integration with your existing HR and management systems.
  • Seamless integration ensures a cohesive flow of information across different platforms, avoiding data silos and promoting a unified approach to workforce management.

Security and Data Privacy:

  • Prioritize software that adheres to robust security standards and data privacy regulations.
  • Safeguarding sensitive employee data is crucial, and compliance with industry standards ensures the confidentiality and integrity of performance-related information.
The Right OKR Software
A Comprehensive Checklist to Choose The Right OKR Software

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Now that we’ve discussed the basics let us dive into the top 10 employee performance review software to streamline your processes.

Top 10 Employee Performance Review Software for Success

With so many performance evaluation software options out there, we’ve handpicked the best for you. 

Meet our top choices: 

  1. Peoplebox
  2. BambooHR
  3. Lattice
  4. Performance Pro
  5. CultureAMP
  6. BetterWorks
  7. Mesh
  8. Leapsome
  9. Hibob
  10. PerformYard

Peoplebox Performance Management Software

Peoplebox performance management platform
Peoplebox performance management platform


Peoplebox is a comprehensive performance management platform designed to cater to the needs of HR professionals and strategy leaders, offering a unified solution for OKR management, performance evaluation, and employee engagement. The platform ensures real time updates of employee goals data through 50+ native integrations, facilitating quick and frequent performance reviews.

Track progress of your plan
Track progress of your plan, goals, and initiatives in real-time with Peoplebox’s seamless data integrations.

By integrating OKRs into 1:1s and check-ins, Peoplebox simplifies the process for managers to monitor team performance and deliver targeted feedback, ultimately driving exceptional business results.

Conduct 1 on 1 on Peoplebox
Conduct 1 on 1 on Peoplebox

The deep integration with Slack allows for the seamless execution of performance reviews, significantly reducing administrative overhead and saving costs compared to traditional methods, making the entire process fast, effortless, and cost-effective.

Simplify Performance Management with Peoplebox and Slack
Simplify Performance Management with Peoplebox and Slack

In addition to these features, Peoplebox provides valuable analytics and insights. This functionality assists organizations in gaining a more profound understanding of employee performance trends and pinpointing areas that warrant improvement.

“Peoplebox comes in very handy every first week of the month when we have reviews with the team. It is one place where any one can track the progress on the goals, along with the reasons for achieving / missing targets. This helps in getting the holistic picture of the team’s progress.”

Peoplebox User on G2

Peoplebox Key Features

Goals Alignment & OKR
Set & Align Goals
Integrations with Work Tools
Initiative / Task Management
KPI Tracking
Business Reviews
Slack / Email Alerts
Performance & Compensation
360 Degree Review in Web / Slack / Teams
9-box and Calibration
Custom Question Builder
Competency Mapping
Compensation & Incentives
Employee Engagement
Automated Recurring Surveys
Pulse & Lifecycle Surveys
Anonymous Messaging
Real-Time Insights
Glassdoor Nudge
Automated Report Builder

Peoplebox Pricing Plan

Peoplebox offers a range of pricing plans tailored to different organizational needs.

PlanPrice (billed annually)Features
Performance + Engagement$7/month per person– OKR (Goals)
– Performance Reviews
– 1-1 Meetings
– Engagement Surveys
– Calibration
– Performance & Productivity Check-in
OKR Platform$8/month per person– OKR (Goals)
– Business Reviews
– Project Management
– Integrations –
KPIs Board
– 1:1s
Full Suite – Professional$12/month per person– Everything in OKR plan plus Talent Management features
Full Suite – Premium$15/month per person– Everything in Professional plan plus Customer Success Manager, Onboarding & Implementation, Managers Training, and more
EnterpriseCustom pricing– Tailored solutions 
– Custom integrations 
– Dedicated customer success manager 
– Single sign-on (SSO) capabilities

Experience the easy of conducting effective performance reviews with Peoplebox. Try it yourself.

BambooHR Employee Performance Review Software

BambooHR performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

BambooHR is a cloud-based human resources (HR) software solution tailored to simplify and streamline HR processes for small companies and medium-sized businesses. The platform offers features such as employee data management, time-off tracking, and performance management, aiming to centralize HR teams’ information and automate routine tasks. 

However, BambooHR’s native performance appraisal solution is noted to lack some advanced, customizable features, such as support for career planning and continuous feedback. Instead, the platform focuses its performance management capabilities on manager and employee self-assessments, peer feedback, and goal setting

BambooHR Pros and Cons

Customizable review cyclesPricing is not shared on website, need to connect over call to get the pricing details
Automated reminders to conduct reviewsMust already have a BambooHR plan to use
Have a mobile app to conduct reviews on the goPerformance reports are not customizable
Integrates with 120+ platformsNo continuous feedback or employee recognition features

BambooHR Pricing Plan

For companies with more than 20 employees, BambooHR’s HR software is priced on a per-employee, per-month basis. For companies with 20 employees or fewer, the HR software pricing is charged at a monthly flat rate. 

It’s important to note that BambooHR does not specify the exact pricing on the website, so interested parties are encouraged to contact their sales or customer support for detailed pricing information.

Lattice Employee Performance Review Software

Lattice performance management platform
Lattice performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

Lattice is a comprehensive performance management platform that provides tools for performance reviews, 1-on-1 meetings, real-time feedback, career pathing, skill development, and engagement surveys. 

However, it comes with a significant cost, requiring a minimum annual contract of $4,000. Additionally, the platform has a steep learning curve for both administrators and employees, which may pose challenges for teams with limited budgets or those new to performance management solutions.

Lattice Pros and Cons

Integrations available on all product tiersMinimum annual contract is $4,000, billed annually
One-on-one meeting agendas and tracking availableThe UI is difficult to navigate
Employee praise and recognition in each planThere is an overabundance of notifications
A mobile app is availableThere is a steep learning curve

Pricing Plan

Lattice provides a Performance Management solution at $11/person/month, inclusive of OKRs & Goals. The Engagement Module is available for an additional $4/person/month, emphasizing employee satisfaction. The Grow Module, priced at $4/person/month, focuses on professional employee development. The Compensation Module, costing $6/person/month, streamlines compensation processes. 

Lattice requires a minimum annual contract of $4,000, making it a costly solution.

Performance Pro Online Performance Review Software

PerformancePro performance management platform
PerformancePro performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

PerformancePro, developed by HR Performance Solutions, is a performance management and salary administration application. The platform’s emphasis on product development results in a high level of customization options compared to its competitors, allowing it to align precisely with the needs and preferences of HR professionals, employees, and executives.

Pros and Cons of PerformancePro


  • The system offers an efficient workflow.
  • It is customizable, allowing for personalized use.
  • Integration with learning systems is available.


  • The UI is outdated and may require an update.
  • The admin functions are complex.
  • Users may experience performance issues.
  • Support options are limited.
  • The setup process may be complex.

Pricing Plan

PerformancePro as a standalone software costs $2-6 per employee per month. 

CultureAMP Employee Evaluation Tools

CultureAMP performance management platform
CultureAMP performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

Culture Amp is a performance management tool tailored for users seeking a platform to enhance employee productivity and foster greater engagement. The inclusion of a 360-degree feedback feature enables colleagues and managers to provide meaningful feedback to employees. However, their reporting capabilities are minimal and the learning curve is steep.

Pros and Cons of CultureAMP

Customizable questions and templates are availableUsers have reported limited reporting capabilities, impacting data analysis.
Strong customer support availableSteep learning curve for beginners

Pricing Plan

CultureAMP’s pricing details are not accessible on its website, as they are tailored to factors such as the number of employees, selected product, and service tier. All Culture Amp products follow an annual billing cycle, making it a less favourable choice for budget-conscious businesses.

Betterworks Employee Performance Evaluation Tools

Betterworks performance management platform
Betterworks performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

Betterworks is a performance enablement solution designed to facilitate alignment and focus across teams within an organization. The platform supports the setting of aspirational goals, tracking goal progress, and fostering community-driven conversations to drive growth. Additionally, Betterworks offers OKR, insights and analytics, and employee engagement features to support teams of all sizes in achieving success.

Betterworks Pros and Cons

Pros of BetterworksCons of Betterworks
Identifies workforce strengths and development areas.Language limitations in admin panel translation.
It rewards smart risk-taking and innovation.Limited support for Custom Module naming in languages.
The platform offers a dedicated community for global networking.Betterworks has integration constraints with other tools.

Pricing Plan

Betterworks does not disclose pricing information on their website. Interested individuals are encouraged to reach out to their team for personalized quotes. Betterworks offers two distinct packages—one tailored for enterprise needs, starting at 5000 employees, and another designed for mid-market clients, commencing at 1000 employees.

Mesh Performance Review Software performance management platform performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

Mesh is a comprehensive platform that supports organizations in fostering a culture of performance enablement. With features such as goals/OKRs, continuous feedback, manager 1:1s, career conversations, performance reviews/360s, and employee engagement functionalities, Mesh provides a robust suite of tools to drive employee growth and organizational success.

Pros and Cons of Mesh


  • The platform fosters a culture of appreciation, promoting a positive and supportive work environment.
  • Users benefit from great customer service, receiving reliable assistance and guidance when needed.
  • Its simple design enhances user experience, making navigation and utilization more intuitive.


  • Poor adoption rate among team members hinders the platform’s effectiveness and utilization within the team.
  • Complexity and unnecessary features in the tool may lead to confusion and inefficiency in usage.
  • The platform’s challenging and redundant nature can pose obstacles to seamless workflow.
  • Non-user-friendly interface with product misses may result in user frustration and decreased productivity.
  • Excessive manual settings required may lead to additional time and effort spent on configuration and maintenance.

Pricing Plan

Mesh offers a straightforward pricing structure for its users:

Base Plan: Priced at $4 per person per month.

Premium Plan: Available at $7 per person per month.

Enterprise Plan: Tailored solutions with custom pricing.

Leapsome Employee Evaluation Tool

Leapsome performance management platform
Leapsome performance management platform

Overview & Key Features

Leapsome is a specialized performance management system that focuses solely on performance management and does not include traditional HRIS capabilities such as payroll, time tracking, or applicant tracking systems (ATS). While it is easy to use, it has been criticized for its poor UI and limited integrations. Additionally, support is only available to customers with a $6,000 annual contract.

Leapsome Pros and Cons

Single sign-on (SSO) capabilities with integrated appsPrice quotes are available upon request.
14-day free trial (no credit card required)Customer success teams’ services limited to customers with a $6,000 annual contract
The platform is available in 13 languages.Users may encounter a steep learning curve when using the platform.

Pricing Plan

Leapsome’s pricing is contingent upon factors such as the number of employees, contract duration, and the selected modules. Organizations interested in obtaining detailed pricing information are encouraged to reach out to Leapsome directly for a personalized quote.

Hibob Online Performance Review Software

Hibob performance management software
Hibob performance management software

Overview & Key Features

Hibob is a performance management software that focuses on enhancing employee engagement and productivity within organizations. The platform offers features such as goal setting, continuous feedback, and performance reviews to support ongoing development and alignment. 

Hibob Pros and Cons


  • The platform offers excellent customer service for issue resolution.
  • It provides a simple product setup, requiring minimal employee training.


  • There is a lack of support for weighted goals in the performance review module.
  • Users have reported unclear functionality in the Performance Review feature.
  • Significant time investment is required to maximize the product’s potential.
  • Limited reporting capabilities impact data analysis.

Pricing Plan

Hibob doesn’t have a public pricing plan. You must contact the team for customized pricing.

PerformYard Employee Performance Evaluation Software

PerformYard performance management software
PerformYard performance management software

Overview & Key Features

The last software on our list is PerformYard, a performance management and HR software designed to streamline the performance review process and facilitate ongoing regular feedback within organizations. PerformYard offers a narrower range of features, such as career development and compensation management, in comparison to other performance management solutions featured on our list. 

Nonetheless, PerformYard delivers sufficient customization within its modules, allowing users to adapt their performance review schedules to their dynamic workflows without causing overwhelm among employees.

PerformYard Pros and Cons


PerformYard offers an intuitive platform for a seamless user experience.

The platform encourages ongoing communication for effective employee development.

Users benefit from personalized support with a dedicated customer success manager.


The absence of a mobile application might inconvenience users needing on-the-go access.

PerformYard lacks specific onboarding or learning modules for comprehensive training.

The platform operates on an annual billing cycle, lacking monthly payment options for flexibility.

Pricing Plan

PerformYard’s pricing, billed annually, spans from $5 to $10 per person per month for performance management, with an additional $1 to $3 per person per month for the employee engagement add-on. The mandatory minimum pricing applies, and larger enterprises may explore custom pricing.

Elevate Your Performance Review Process with Peoplebox

In conclusion, choosing the right employee performance review software is a critical decision for organizations looking to enhance efficiency in their workforce management processes. As we’ve explored the top 10 employee performance review software options, Peoplebox consistently emerges as a leader in terms of features, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. Its pricing plans are tailored to different organizational needs, providing flexibility and scalability.

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Schedule a demo with Peoplebox

Don’t let complex performance review processes hinder your organization’s progress. Make performance management a breeze with Peoplebox. Talk to us today!

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Top 10 Employee Performance Review Software