How to Bridge the Gap Between Strategy and Execution with OKR Software?

Many organizations face a significant challenge when it comes to executing their strategies effectively. While they may have a well-crafted strategy in place, they often struggle to implement it effectively, resulting in missed targets and objectives.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, 95% of employees are not aware of or don’t understand their organization’s strategy. This lack of understanding leads to a disconnect between the strategic goals of an organization and the day-to-day tasks performed by the employees. Another research by the Project Management Institute states that an average of $122 million for every $1 billion spent on projects is wasted by organizations due to poor project performance. 

These studies highlight how important, correct and on-point execution of strategies is. How important is it to bridge the gap between strategy and execution to ensure that organizations are achieving their goals. 

OKRs are a goal-setting framework used by many successful organizations to bridge this gap and align their strategic goals with their day-to-day operations. OKR software makes it even easier for organizations to set, track, and measure progress towards their goals, ensuring that everyone in the organization is working towards the same objectives.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of bridging the gap between strategy and execution with OKR software and provide practical tips for how to implement this framework effectively in your organization.

Understanding OKRs

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OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, is a goal-setting framework that helps organizations align their goals and objectives with their day-to-day activities and achieve their moonshot goals. OKRs consist of two parts:

Objectives: The top-level, strategic goals an organization wants to achieve. Objectives are ambitious, qualitative, and focused on the long-term vision of the organization.

Key Results: The measurable outcomes that indicate progress made towards the objectives. Key Results are typically specific, quantitative, and focused on the short-term activities of the organization that lead to achieving the moonshot objectives.

Here are some benefits of using OKRs for goal setting and alignment:

  • Clarity: OKRs provide clarity on what an organization wants to achieve and how progress towards those goals will be measured.
  • Focus: OKRs help organizations focus their efforts on the most important goals and activities that will have the greatest impact on their success.
  • Alignment: OKRs help align the goals of individuals and teams with the overall objectives of the organization, ensuring everyone is working towards the same vision.
  • Accountability: OKRs offer a structure that enables easy monitoring of progress towards objectives, while also establishing a system for holding both individuals and teams responsible for their performance.
  • Agility: OKRs are designed to be flexible and agile. This allows organizations to adjust their goals and priorities as and when needed in response to changing circumstances or new opportunities.

Understanding Strategy Execution 

Strategy execution is like turning a dream into reality. It’s the process of taking a grand vision and breaking it down into actionable steps that will ultimately lead to success. It involves identifying the necessary resources, assigning roles and responsibilities, and prioritizing tasks based on their importance. 

  • It also requires clear communication, keeping everyone informed of what needs to be done, and why.
  • It involves navigating unforeseen challenges, constantly reprioritizing tasks, and adapting to new circumstances. It requires careful planning and a flexible mindset.
  • It involves stringent progress tracking and measuring. It provides valuable insights into how far an organization has come and what needs to be done to stay on track. 
  • It also involves making necessary adjustments along the way, to ensure that they continue moving forward towards their ultimate destination.

What Causes a Strategy Execution Gap?

A survey of over 400 CEOs worldwide, achieving excellence in execution was identified as their top challenge, ranking above approximately 80 other issues. But what makes it so challenging? What causes this gap between strategy and execution?

Well, the gap between strategy and execution can be caused by a number of factors like: 

1. Poor communication

One of the most common causes is a lack of communication or understanding between the strategic level and the operational level of an organization. This can occur when strategic goals and objectives are not effectively communicated throughout the organization, or when operational teams are not adequately equipped to execute the strategy. 

As we mentioned in the beginning, 95% of employees remain unaware of what’s happening in the organization. This leads to the gap between the high-level strategic plans and the ground-level execution of those plans. Merely telling people tasks will not help in achieving the bigger objectives. As a company, you will also have to inform them why they are doing the tasks and how it will create an impact. 

2. Lack of Resources

Another cause of the gap between strategy and execution is a lack of alignment between the strategy and the resources required to execute it. This can include a lack of funding, staffing, or technological resources. Without the necessary resources, it can be difficult for an organization to effectively execute its strategy.

3. Lack of accountability

A lack of accountability can also contribute to the gap between strategy and execution. When individuals or teams are not held responsible for executing the strategy or the tasks they are designated to do, there is a higher likelihood of tasks being overlooked or not being completed on time. This can lead to missed deadlines, decreased morale, and an overall lack of progress towards achieving the strategic goals.

4. Poor tracking 

A failure to track progress and measure success can contribute to the gap between strategy and execution. Without clear metrics in place, it can be difficult to determine whether the strategy is being executed effectively. This can lead to a lack of visibility into progress and can make it challenging to adjust the strategy as needed.

5. Adaptability

Lack of flexibility and adaptability can also contribute to the gap between strategy and execution. Strategies that are too rigid may not be able to adapt to changing market conditions or other external factors, leading to a misalignment between the strategy and execution on the ground or let’s say the market. Embracing a more flexible approach to strategy execution can help to ensure that an organization is able to adapt and adjust based on the factors that affect its growth. 

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How OKRs Can Help Bridge the Gap Between Strategy and Execution

Picture this: a tightrope walker attempting to cross a chasm without a safety net. Feels unsafe, right? That’s how it can feel when trying to execute a strategic plan without a clear framework. 

Enter OKRs, the safety net that can help teams confidently navigate the gap between strategy and execution. 

1. Set and share priorities widely with a clear communication plan

We have seen this is a big problem. Setting and sharing priorities widely with a clear communication plan through OKRs is an essential step in bridging the gap between strategy and execution. After agreeing upon the OKRs for a cycle, it is important to have open discussions about them with the entire company and teams, as well as publicly track and evaluate their progress. This transparency helps create a culture of accountability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. 

Clear communication is critical to ensure that everyone in the organization understands the company’s goals and how they can contribute towards achieving them. When setting priorities, it is essential to align them with the organization’s strategic objectives and ensure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

2. Align execution to strategy

To bridge the gap between strategy and execution with OKRs, it’s crucial to ensure that the execution plan for the organization’s objectives is aligned with its overall strategy. 

Alignment happens when everyone in the organization—from top to bottom—understands the plan of execution and knows what to aim for. This means that the plan should be communicated clearly and that objectives should be set with a focus on aligning with the overall strategy.

To achieve this alignment, managers must have a clear understanding of the organization’s strategic priorities and ensure that the objectives set for their teams contribute towards those priorities. This involves regular communication and collaboration with senior leadership to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the organization’s strategic objectives.

3. Focus on measuring outcomes, not activities

In order to successfully bridge the gap between strategy and execution, it is essential to focus on measuring outcomes. This is because outcomes provide tangible evidence of progress towards achieving the organization’s goals, whereas day-to-day activities are simple tasks that may not necessarily contribute to the overall objectives. Therefore, it is crucial to set objectives with a clear understanding of the desired outcomes or impact, instead of just focusing on completing tasks or activities.

One effective way to define objectives and outcomes is by using OKRs. Once the objectives and key results have been established, the activities that will help achieve them can be determined. Measuring outcomes not only ensures progress towards goals but also helps in adjusting the approach if necessary. Moreover, it ensures that team members are focused on the most important tasks, instead of the mundane tasks. 

4. Track progress and make them visible for all (even if it is lagging behind)

By regularly tracking progress and making it visible to everyone in the organization, you create transparency and accountability. You also give everyone a sense of ownership and responsibility for the outcome.

Even if the progress is lagging behind, it’s important to track it and make it visible. Doing so can help identify problems early on, and allows you to take corrective action before it’s too late. 

Such transparency creates a collaborative mindset, highlights the interconnectedness among teams and departments, and brings a sense of urgency by keeping the big picture at the forefront.

5. Make corrections and adapt quickly

Once progress towards objectives and key results is being tracked and made visible, it is important to use the available data to make corrections and adaptations. OKRs are meant to be a flexible and adaptable framework. As an organization, you should be willing to adjust your approach if they are not making sufficient progress towards your company goals.

6. Perfect the OKR strategies 

Another important part of bridging the gap between strategy and execution with OKRs is perfecting the OKR strategies. This involves continuous evaluation and improvement of the OKR process to ensure that it aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives. You can do this by: 

  • Regularly reviewing and assessing the progress to identify any challenges or obstacles.
  • Aligning OKRs with the overall business strategy and ensuring they are achievable, measurable, and relevant to the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Designing OKRs in a way that they provide meaningful insights and drive performance improvements. 

7. Work with a growth mindset

To work with a growth mindset, you need to recognize that the strategy you set today may not work for you five years from now. Successful execution of the strategy demands a setting that strongly advocates for taking risks, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and adapting quickly to changes. OKRs provide a framework for setting ambitious goals and measuring progress toward them, but they don’t guarantee success. 

It’s up to you to continually evaluate and adjust your strategies based on what’s working and what’s not. Just like Google and LinkedIn do. 

Approach your OKR implementation with a growth mindset, where failure is viewed as an opportunity to learn and improve. Encourage your teams to experiment and take calculated risks, and provide them with the resources and support they need to pivot quickly if something isn’t working. 

Best OKR Platform

Best Practices for Strategy Execution with OKR Software

According to a Gartner survey, 83% of senior strategists believe that strategy execution is now more crucial than it was pre-pandemic. However, a significant 70% of them lack confidence in their ability to bridge the gap between strategy and execution.

So how can we build this confidence? Well, by getting as much support as you can get and acing the execution of your strategies. OKR software does this for you. 

It supports your strategic planning and execution. It allows you to set and track objectives, align your team’s efforts, and monitor progress seamlessly. It generates reports that help you in critical decision-making. It automates mundane tasks and helps you focus on priorities. But how can it do all these things for you? 

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices to incorporate with OKR software.  

1. Efficient planning with purposeful, agenda-based meetings 

When it comes to executing a strategy, having well-planned meetings can be a crucial factor in ensuring that everyone involved stays focused and on track. Rather than having vague, aimless meetings, host an agenda-based meeting that helps streamline planning and promote focus. 

Agenda-based meetings involve creating a clear list of topics to be discussed and assigning specific time slots for each item. This helps ensure that important issues are addressed and that the meeting doesn’t run over schedule. OKR software helps you plan your meeting ahead of time by gathering data, preparing reports, detecting red flags, etc.  Using OKR software, you can create a centralized platform where all team members can view and contribute to the strategic objectives and key results. 

2. Monitoring and evaluating OKRs

Monitoring and evaluating OKRs allow teams to stay agile and adjust their strategies as needed. If they find that they are not making progress towards their objectives, they can make changes to their approach or modify their goals to better align with their capabilities and resources.

OKR software can be particularly helpful in monitoring and evaluating progress because it allows teams to easily track metrics and visualize their progress. This can help teams to identify trends and patterns in their data, and make data-driven decisions to improve their performance.

3. Encourage leaders to make well-defined decisions regarding OKRs

Leaders need to make clear decisions about what they want their teams to focus on. According to OKR International’s survey, 50.32% of employees find leadership as the biggest barrier to OKR implementation. This means that the responsibility for strategy and execution success lies a lot on the leadership team and they must ensure that their decisions are well-researched and well-communicated. With OKR software, leaders can easily create and communicate their goals, track progress towards those goals, and make informed decisions about how to adjust their strategy as needed.

The software allows for easy tracking of progress towards those goals, which can help leaders to ensure that teams are not overwhelmed with too many priorities or conflicting objectives

4. Focus attention on the execution of OKRs, not just the planning

It’s easy to get caught up in the planning and lose sight of the importance of execution. That’s where you need to be highly focused on monitoring if the plans are in action or lagging behind. By regularly monitoring progress, teams can also quickly identify areas where they are falling behind and take corrective action. An OKR software can help to keep everyone focused on the progress of the objectives and ensure that they are being actively worked on and executed. 

It encourages teams to set measurable objectives and results, which helps ensure they are achievable and can be tracked. This focus on execution promotes accountability and helps to ensure that teams are working towards the organization’s strategic goals.

5. Choosing the right OKR software

Choosing the right OKR software is a critical component of successful strategy execution. It’s important to select software that aligns with your organization’s specific needs and goals. Look for a solution that provides a clear, intuitive interface for setting and tracking objectives, and that allows for easy collaboration and communication among team members. 

  • It should also have reporting capabilities to track progress and identify areas where adjustments may be needed.
  • The software should be customizable to fit your organization’s unique structure and processes. 
  • It should integrate seamlessly with other tools and systems you already use, such as project management software or CRM systems. 
  • Also, consider the level of support and training that the software provider offers to ensure that your team can fully leverage its capabilities. 

The right OKR software can streamline the process and increase the likelihood of successfully executing your strategy to manifolds. This is why it is one important aspect to be cautious about. 

Peoplebox, for example, is rated #1 as ‘easiest to use’ tool by G2. It also offers customization and robust reporting capabilities that help you exponentially, in strategy execution. And has one of the best support services and integrations. Experience it yourself!

6. Establish specific planning timelines

This helps to ensure that everyone involved in the process is aware of when each stage of planning and execution needs to be completed. By setting clear timelines, teams can break down larger objectives into smaller, more manageable tasks, which can be assigned to individual team members.

Specific planning timelines also help ensure that resources are being used efficiently and effectively. By setting deadlines for when certain tasks need to be completed, teams can prioritize their efforts and ensure that they are not wasting time or resources on tasks that are not critical to achieving their objectives.

Best OKR Tracking Software


The use of OKR can bridge the gap between strategy and execution by providing teams with a clear roadmap for achieving their goals and objectives. By establishing specific planning timelines, monitoring and evaluating progress, and leveraging data-driven insights, organizations can improve their performance and achieve success in today’s competitive business landscape.

However, it is essential to implement OKRs with the right software and tools to fully realize their potential. Peoplebox is an excellent example of a comprehensive OKR software solution that can help you effectively implement and execute your strategies. With features such as real-time progress tracking, automated alerts, and goal alignment, seamless business and performance review processes, Peoplebox can help teams stay on track and achieve their objectives more efficiently.

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How to Bridge the Gap Between Strategy and Execution with OKR Software?