How do you write areas of improvement in performance review?

Navigating Areas of Improvement in Self Appraisal

Performance reviews are a great way for employees to receive feedback and identify areas of improvement. However, telling employees where they are going wrong and how they can improve can be a daunting task. There are multiple factors that need to be considered while writing performance reviews to make sure employees do not feel personally attacked. 

This blog is your guide to navigating the area of improvement section with grace and purpose. Whether you’re a manager seeking effective ways to deliver constructive feedback, or an employee eager to identify areas for self-development, we’ve got you covered.

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What are Areas of Improvement in Self Appraisal?

Areas of improvement in self appraisal refer to certain aspects of an employee’s behaviour that need to be worked upon, which can boost their productivity, efficiency, and contribution to the team. Identifying these areas is a crucial part of the process.

It enables you to pinpoint performance aspects where focus and development efforts of your employees should be directed for optimal growth. An effective performance management system serves as the basis for setting development goals that are aligned with the career aspirations of individuals and the strategic objectives of the company. 

By focusing on areas of improvement in performance reviews, you, as a manager, can help employees navigate their development path, ensuring that every individual not only understands their current standing but also has a clear vision of progress.

Impact of Thoughtful Feedback

The Impact of Thoughtful Feedback on Employee Development

Understanding the psychological impact of feedback is crucial for enhancing employee development within your enterprise. Thoughtful reviews nurture a culture of open communication where employees feel safe and valued in expressing their thoughts. Identifying the right development areas for performance feedback plays a pivotal role in driving employee engagement and creating a positive workplace culture.

  • Encourages Open Communication: Useful feedback nurtures trust and openness, enabling employees to share their opinions, fears, and wishes. This leads to stronger relationships and a cohesive team environment​​.
  • Promotes Continuous Improvement: Regular feedback sessions help employees and teams stay on track with their goals and objectives. This approach is useful in encouraging a culture of continuous improvement and positive changes in workflow.
  • Aims for Constructive Criticism: Constructive criticism is essential for growth, helping individuals recognize their strengths and areas of improvement. It encourages a mindset focused on learning from feedback rather than taking it personally​​.
  • Creates a Culture of Growth through Learning & Training: Investing in learning and training opportunities signals to employees that their growth is valued, contributing to their personal and professional improvement​​.
  • Recognizes and Rewards Efforts: Acknowledging and rewarding the hard work of employees creates a feedback-driven company. This can range from verbal recognition to tangible rewards, all contributing to a motivated and engaged workforce​​.
  • Boosts Employee Engagement: Employees who receive regular feedback are more likely to take the initiative, collaborate effectively, and care more about their work, which significantly impacts overall engagement levels​​.

Identifying Improvements for Employee Evaluations

Consider a scenario where your team consistently meets their targets, but you still seek ways to enhance their productivity and job satisfaction. This requires you to identify areas for their growth and development. To suggest development areas for performance review, you must focus on strategies that promote personal and professional advancement.


Self-evaluation is a powerful tool for personal development, and it encourages employees to reflect on their performance, strengths, and weaknesses. It is not only about recognizing shortcomings but also about setting personal goals for improvement. Encourage your team to ask themselves questions related to their job performance, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork. This introspection will help in pinpointing specific areas where they can improve. 

With Peoplebox, integrating self-evaluation into your feedback process is effortless. This encourages proactive personal growth as employees openly discuss areas for improvement and recognize their strengths.

Navigating the self-evaluation process may initially prove challenging for your team. To help them articulate their self evaluation better, we have curated a list of 60+ self-evaluation performance review phrases that your team can use today!

Manager Evaluation

These reviews play a pivotal role in identifying areas of improvement for performance evaluation. As a manager, your feedback should be constructive, specific, and actionable. You must highlight specific instances where an employee excelled or needed improvement. 

This direct feedback is essential for individuals to understand how their work aligns with the company’s expectations and goals. It’s also an opportunity to discuss development plans and resources available to support their growth.

Peer Reviews

Peer reviews offer a unique perspective on performance, often highlighting different strengths and areas for improvement that you otherwise might not see. Encourage a culture where your team members can provide constructive feedback to each other. 

This process will encourage team spirit, improve communication skills, and help individual members understand how their actions affect their colleagues. It is a great method for identifying blind spots in their performance and encouraging collaborative growth.

While peer reviews can be biased, they don’t have to be! In our blog post, we share 70+ peer review examples that you can use for a truly effective review process.

Direct Reports

As a manager, feedback from direct reports can be an invaluable source of insight into areas of improvement for different employees. This feedback can highlight leadership and management skills that may need refinement, such as delegation, communication, and empathy. 

By promoting a culture where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, you can fine-tune your leadership approach to meet their needs better. This not only enhances team engagement but also cultivates a more efficient and positive workplace atmosphere.

Writing Effective Areas of Improvement in Performance Review

Writing effective areas of improvement is a critical task that requires a careful assessment. Consider the case where you notice a team member’s exceptional technical skills but also see room for growth in their communication with clients. Here is how you can approach this task with precision and empathy.

Language and Tone

The language and tone used when writing areas of improvement are vital. Always opt for positive and supportive language that expresses common areas of improvement as a new opportunity for growth rather than a critique of current abilities. Avoid negative feedback or accusatory tones, which can demotivate and dishearten. Instead, use encouraging words that create a mindset geared toward development and learning. 

For instance, using phrases like ‘opportunities for growth’ or ‘areas to enhance’ during the review process can be more motivating than ‘weaknesses’ or ‘failures.’

Learn the art of giving constructive feedback to employees


Being specific is key to making areas of improvement actionable and understandable. Vague feedback can lead to confusion and inaction. Clearly identify the specific skills, behavior or outcomes that need attention, and provide clear performance review examples when possible. This helps the receiver in understanding exactly what is expected and how to meet those expectations. 

For example, rather than saying ‘improve interpersonal communication skills,’ mention ‘develop the ability to articulate project updates clearly during team meetings.’

Using Data

Incorporating data into your feedback can provide a robust framework for expressing the identified areas of improvement. Data-driven feedback can help you transform broad concepts into achievable targets. 

You can use performance metrics, project outcomes, customer satisfaction scores, or any relevant data to support your observations. This approach not only adds credibility to the feedback but also helps in setting measurable goals for improvement.

With Peoplebox, managers can easily provide goal-focused feedback, ensuring data-driven evaluations and avoiding arbitrary assessments.

Peoplebox lets you provide goal-based feedback seamlessly

Goal Setting

Identifying areas of improvement is only the first step. The next step for you is to set OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) that align with these improvement areas. OKRs integrate seamlessly into the workflows, making goal alignment and talent management effortless. They offer a unified view of progress and help employees understand what is driving the company.

OKR Management platforms like Peoplebox make the entire process a breeze. Try it yourself!

When discussing areas of improvement, it is vital that you suggest OKRs that are ambitious yet achievable. These OKRs should align with the broader objectives of the company, ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals.

If you’re new to OKRs, we have the ultimate OKR cheat-sheet available to help you reach your goals.

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Examples of Writing Areas of Improvement in Performance Reviews

1. Communication Skills

Emily, a talented marketing associate, consistently produces high-quality content but struggles to effectively communicate fresh ideas ideas in team meetings, leading to misunderstandings and delays in project execution. For example, during a recent brainstorming session, Emily had valuable insights to share but struggled to express them clearly, resulting in confusion among team members and a lack of progress on the project.

Emily’s Perspective:

  • I acknowledge the importance of actively listening to my colleagues during meetings to ensure I understand their perspectives and contributions. 
  • I will make a conscious effort to refrain from interrupting others and focus on fully comprehending their points before responding.
  • I will work on expressing my ideas more clearly and succinctly during team discussions to facilitate better understanding and collaboration. 

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Emily should actively listen to her colleagues during meetings, ensuring she understands their perspectives and fosters a collaborative atmosphere. 
  • She can practice delivering elevator pitches for her ideas to ensure she can communicate them concisely.
  • Emily can utilize visual aids such as slides or diagrams to enhance the clarity of her presentations and discussions.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Practice active listening techniques such as summarizing and paraphrasing during meetings.
  • Utilize communication tools such as mind maps or outlines to organize thoughts before discussions.
  • Seek feedback from colleagues on communication effectiveness and adjust approach accordingly.
  • Attend workshops or seminars on effective communication strategies to enhance skills.
  • Set specific communication goals and track progress regularly to measure improvement.

2. Time Management Skills

Michael, a dedicated project manager, struggles to prioritize tasks effectively, often leading to missed project deadlines and increased stress levels. For instance, he frequently finds himself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks on his to-do list and struggles to allocate time efficiently, resulting in delays in project delivery.

Michael’s Perspective:

  • I will work on setting realistic deadlines for tasks and breaking down projects into manageable steps to prevent overwhelm. 
  • I commit to utilizing time management tools effectively to track progress and stay organized. 

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Michael should prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance to ensure deadlines are consistently met. 
  • Michael needs to improve his ability to set realistic deadlines for tasks and break down projects into manageable steps to prevent overwhelm. 
  • Michael can work with his team to create detailed project plans with clear milestones and deadlines.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Use time-blocking techniques to allocate dedicated time for specific tasks or activities.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their impact on project goals and deadlines.
  • Implement strategies such as the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus and productivity throughout the day.
  • Delegate tasks when possible to distribute workload and free up time for higher-priority activities.
  • Regularly review and adjust task lists and schedules to adapt to changing priorities or unexpected obstacles.

3. Adaptability and Flexibility

Sarah, a skilled software developer, struggles to adapt to changes in project requirements, often becoming frustrated and resistant to new approaches. For instance, when the project scope shifted midway through development, Sarah struggled to pivot her approach and continued working on outdated tasks, causing delays in project delivery.

Sarah’s Perspective:

  • I understand the importance of embracing change and viewing it as an opportunity for growth and learning. I will remind myself that adapting to new requirements can lead to improved solutions and personal development.
  • I will work on maintaining a positive attitude towards change and actively seeking opportunities to adapt and improve. 
  • I will dedicate time to researching emerging trends in software development and experimenting with new tools or frameworks.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Sarah should embrace change positively, viewing it as an opportunity for growth and learning rather than a hindrance. 
  • She can set specific goals for embracing change and regularly reflect on her progress in team meetings.
  • Sara can attend workshops or webinars on innovative software development practices and share insights with her team.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and learning.
  • Seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors on areas for improvement.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies.
  • Experiment with new tools or approaches in a controlled environment to assess their effectiveness.
  • Develop resilience by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

4. Critical Thinking

Alex, a dedicated data analyst, often struggles to evaluate complex data sets critically, leading to inaccuracies in analysis and decision-making. For instance, Alex recently overlooked important data outliers during a project analysis, resulting in flawed conclusions and suboptimal recommendations for the client.

Alex’s Perspective:

  • I will challenge myself to identify and examine any underlying assumptions or preconceptions that may influence my interpretation of data.
  • I will work on analyzing the pros and cons of different solutions to problems, considering various perspectives before making decisions. 
  • I will seek opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from different departments to gain new insights and perspectives on data analysis techniques.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Alex can encourage team discussions on common biases in data analysis and strategies for mitigating their impact.
  • Alex needs to improve his ability to analyze the pros and cons of different solutions to problems, considering various perspectives before making decisions. 
  • It is essential for Alex to engage in activities that require synthesizing information from diverse sources to enhance his analytical skills. 

Tips for Improvement:

  • Practice mindfulness to identify and challenge biases in data analysis.
  • Seek input from colleagues with different perspectives to gain a more holistic view of complex problems.
  • Develop problem-solving skills through activities such as puzzles or brain teasers.
  • Take courses or workshops on critical thinking and analytical reasoning.
  • Keep abreast of developments in data analysis techniques and tools through continuous learning and professional development opportunities.

5. Professional Networking

Laura, a talented graphic designer, often feels isolated in her role and struggles to find opportunities for collaboration and career advancement. For instance, Laura recently missed out on a potential freelance opportunity because she was unaware of a networking event where she could have connected with prospective clients.

Laura’s Perspective:

  • I will set aside time each week to reach out to former colleagues or industry contacts to keep in touch and explore potential collaborations.
  • I will work on attending industry events and workshops to meet professionals with shared interests and expertise. 
  • I will join industry-specific groups on platforms like LinkedIn and participate in discussions or share relevant content to establish myself as a knowledgeable and approachable professional in my field.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Laura can leverage company-sponsored events or conferences to network with industry professionals and potential clients.
  • Laura can set specific goals for attending networking events and prioritize those that align with her career aspirations and interests.
  • She can share her work or insights on platforms like LinkedIn to showcase her expertise and attract potential collaborators or clients.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Attend industry events and workshops to meet professionals.
  • Join professional associations or groups relevant to your field.
  • Actively engage with colleagues and industry peers on professional social media platforms.
  • Offer expertise to others to build relationships and establish credibility.
  • Seek mentorship from experienced professionals and actively learn from their experiences.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork

David, a skilled project manager, often prefers to work independently and struggles to effectively collaborate with team members, impacting project outcomes. For instance, David recently failed to delegate tasks effectively, resulting in a bottleneck in project workflow and missed deadlines.

David’s Perspective:

  • I will make a concerted effort to speak up during discussions and share my insights and expertise with my team members.
  • I will work on listening attentively to team members’ contributions and valuing diverse perspectives and skills. 
  • I commit to offering constructive feedback and being receptive to receiving feedback from others to improve team performance. 

Manager’s Perspective:

  • David should actively contribute ideas in team meetings to foster engagement and collaboration among team members. 
  • David can practice active listening techniques such as summarizing and asking clarifying questions to ensure he fully understands his colleagues’ viewpoints.
  • It is essential for David to schedule regular check-ins with his team members to discuss progress, address any concerns, and provide feedback on performance.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Actively contribute ideas and feedback in team meetings.
  • Listen attentively to team members’ contributions and value diverse perspectives.
  • Offer constructive feedback and be receptive to receiving feedback from others.
  • Take on different roles within the team as needed, demonstrating flexibility and support.
  • Foster open communication channels to ensure everyone is informed and aligned on team goals.

7. Leadership Skills

Sophia, a capable senior engineer, demonstrates technical proficiency but lacks confidence in leading team projects and providing direction to junior team members. For instance, Sophia recently hesitated to take charge of a new project, deferring decision-making responsibilities to her colleagues and resulting in confusion among team members.

Sophia’s Perspective:

  • I will take the initiative to outline clear objectives and expectations for my team members at the onset of each project.
  • I will actively solicit feedback from my colleagues and adapt my leadership style to accommodate their individual strengths and preferences.
  • I will involve my team members in the decision-making process whenever feasible and provide regular updates on project progress and milestones.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Sophia can articulate a clear mission statement and set ambitious yet achievable goals to motivate her team members.
  • Sophia can participate in training programs or workshops on empathy and active listening to enhance her interpersonal skills and build stronger relationships with her colleagues.
  • It is essential for Sophia to practice decision-making with transparency, explaining the rationale behind her choices to foster trust and accountability among team members. 

Tips for Improvement:

  • Cultivate a vision for your team that aligns with organizational goals.
  • Develop emotional intelligence to understand and address team members’ concerns.
  • Practice transparent decision-making to foster trust and accountability.
  • Engage in leadership development programs or workshops.
  • Seek mentorship from experienced leaders and actively learn from their experiences.

8. Conflict Resolution Skills and Negotiation

Daniel, a skilled project coordinator, often finds himself in conflicts with team members over resource allocation and project priorities, leading to delays and frustration. For instance, Daniel recently engaged in a heated argument with a colleague over budget allocations, resulting in strained relationships and decreased morale within the team.

Daniel’s Perspective:

  • I will strive to maintain a calm and composed demeanor during disagreements and actively seek common ground with my colleagues to resolve conflicts amicably.
  • I will refrain from interrupting my colleagues and ask clarifying questions to ensure I fully grasp their viewpoints before responding.
  • I will strive to remain objective and fair when mediating disputes between team members and ensure all parties feel heard and respected.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Daniel should approach conflicts with a problem-solving attitude, focusing on finding mutually beneficial solutions rather than escalating tensions. 
  • Daniel can participate in training or workshops on effective communication and conflict resolution techniques to enhance his conflict management skills.
  • It is essential for Daniel to establish ground rules for constructive dialogue and encourage open communication among team members to prevent misunderstandings and promote mutual respect.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Approach conflicts with a problem-solving attitude, focusing on finding mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Use active listening skills to understand each party’s perspective and underlying concerns.
  • Maintain neutrality and avoid taking sides during conflicts to facilitate an unbiased resolution process.
  • Learn mediation techniques to effectively facilitate conflict resolution sessions.
  • Foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect within the team to prevent conflicts and address issues proactively.

9. Project Management

Olivia, an experienced project manager, struggles to deliver projects on time or within budget due to ineffective planning and resource management. For instance, Olivia recently failed to allocate resources adequately for a critical project, resulting in delays and increased costs.

Olivia’s Perspective:

  • I will work with my team to develop detailed project charters that outline project deliverables, timelines, and resource requirements.
  • I will invest time in training my team members on using project management software to streamline workflow and improve collaboration.
  • I will conduct comprehensive risk assessments at the onset of each project and develop contingency plans to address potential obstacles that may arise.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Olivia can hold kickoff meetings with project stakeholders to discuss project scope, deliverables, and success criteria.
  • Olivia needs to improve her utilization of project management tools to track progress, manage resources, and communicate updates effectively. 
  • It is essential for Olivia to establish a risk management plan that outlines procedures for identifying, assessing, and responding to project risks and ensure regular reviews and updates as needed.

Tips for Improvement:

  • Define clear project objectives, scope, and deliverables at the onset of each project.
  • Utilize project management tools effectively to track progress, manage resources, and communicate updates.
  • Implement risk management strategies to identify potential issues and mitigate them proactively.
  • Foster collaboration and communication among team members to ensure alignment on project goals and expectations.
  • Conduct post-project reviews to gather insights and lessons learned for future projects and continuous improvement.

10. Feedback Reception and Implementation

Sophie, a dedicated sales associate, often struggles to implement feedback provided by her supervisor, resulting in repeated mistakes and missed opportunities for improvement. For instance, despite receiving constructive feedback on her sales pitch delivery, Sophie continues to use the same approach without incorporating suggested changes.

Sophie’s Perspective:

  • I will remind myself that feedback is meant to help me improve and achieve better results in my role.
  • I will schedule follow-up meetings with my supervisor to discuss specific areas of improvement and seek additional guidance.
  • I will create a checklist of action items based on the feedback provided and track my progress regularly to ensure I’m making meaningful improvements.

Manager’s Perspective:

  • Sophie should demonstrate receptiveness to feedback by actively listening, asking clarifying questions, and expressing appreciation for the insights provided.
  • Sophie needs to improve her ability to ask clarifying questions if feedback is unclear or if she needs more information to understand it fully. 
  • It is essential for Sophie to work with her supervisor to create a personalized performance improvement plan that outlines actionable steps for improvement and establish regular check-ins to track progress and provide support.

Peoplebox offers exclusive features like productivity and performance check-ins, allowing stakeholders to share feedback on their week and enabling quick productivity check-ins.

Weekly Check-in

Tips for Improvement:

  • Approach feedback with an open mind, viewing it as an opportunity for growth and development.
  • Ask clarifying questions if feedback is unclear or if more information is needed to understand it fully.
  • Develop a plan to address feedback received, setting specific goals and timelines for implementation.
  • Seek support or resources if needed to help make necessary changes and improvements.
  • Regularly monitor progress and adjust the implementation plan as needed to stay on track and achieve desired outcomes.

Collect Effective 360 Degree Feedback and Identify Performance Review Improvement Areas with Peoplebox

Understanding the full scope of areas of improvement in performance reviews is crucial, and 360-degree feedback is the key to unlocking this comprehensive insight. This process is essential for fostering a transparent and development-focused culture within your company, driving ongoing improvement at all levels.

Peoplebox streamlines the process of collecting 360-degree feedback, making it holistic, fair, and painless for you to gain comprehensive insights into employee performance and development areas. Its intuitive platform allows you to easily manage and interpret feedback from multiple sources, ensuring that the insights you gain are both meaningful and actionable. With Peoplebox, you can easily manage the feedback process, ensuring meaningful and actionable insights.

360 degree performance review with Peoplebox
360 degree performance review with Peoplebox

Ready to enhance your team’s performance with effective 360-degree feedback? Connect with Peoplebox today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can managers identify areas of improvement for their employees?

Managers can identify areas of improvement by conducting self-evaluations, providing direct feedback, gathering insights from peer reviews, and seeking feedback from direct reports.

Why is feedback reception and implementation important in performance improvement?

Feedback reception and implementation are crucial because they allow employees to understand their strengths and areas for improvement, facilitating personal and professional growth and contributing to overall team success.

How can employees effectively implement feedback received in performance reviews?

Employees can effectively implement feedback by approaching it with an open mind, asking clarifying questions, creating actionable plans for improvement, seeking support if needed, and monitoring progress regularly.

How does Peoplebox streamline the process of collecting 360-degree feedback?

Peoplebox streamlines the process of collecting 360-degree feedback by providing an intuitive platform that allows for easy management and interpretation of feedback from multiple sources. It ensures that the insights gained are meaningful and actionable, driving ongoing improvement at all levels within the organization.

How to write areas of improvement in a performance review?

Effectively communicating areas of improvement in performance reviews is crucial for employee development. Provide specific, actionable feedback tied to clear performance expectations. Use the “sandwich” technique: start with positive feedback, address areas for growth, and conclude with encouragement. Quantify improvement goals whenever possible. By focusing on growth opportunities and offering support, you create a constructive dialogue that drives performance enhancement.

What is your area of improvement best answer?

When addressing areas of improvement in performance reviews, demonstrate both self-awareness and a growth mindset. Acknowledge your strengths while identifying a specific skill you are actively developing. Outline concrete steps you’re taking to enhance this skill. This approach showcases your commitment to professional growth and continuous learning. By exploring examples of effective performance reviews, you can craft a well-rounded response that highlights your development aspirations.

How do I say I will improve my performance?

To effectively communicate your commitment to improvement, be specific and proactive. Outline clear action steps you will take to address identified areas of weakness. Demonstrate a willingness to seek support, such as mentorship or additional training. Emphasize your desire for continuous learning and growth. By clearly articulating your improvement plan, you build trust and demonstrate a strong work ethic.

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Navigating Areas of Improvement in Self Appraisal