360 Degree Feedback Examples For Managers & Peers

60+ Powerful 360 Degree Feedback Examples

Let’s face it: traditional performance reviews can often feel like a monologue, not a dialogue. But is this one-sided approach truly giving you the full picture of your employees’ potential? Are there hidden strengths or weaknesses going unnoticed?

The challenge goes even deeper. While giving feedback might seem straightforward, crafting truly constructive feedback that helps someone improve, especially when it comes to peers or managers, can be a whole other story.

This is where 360 degree feedback comes in, offering a much-needed shift from a singular perspective to a well-rounded view. In this blog post, we share 60+ 360 degree feedback examples for managers and peers that you can share with your team today.

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What is 360 Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback is a comprehensive performance evaluation tool that gathers insights from multiple sources within an organization. Unlike traditional reviews that rely primarily on managerial feedback, this approach provides a well-rounded perspective by incorporating evaluations from:

What is 360 degree feedback?

Self-assessment: Employees evaluate their own strengths, weaknesses, and performance against set goals.

Peers: Colleagues assess their teamwork skills, communication style, and overall contribution to the team environment.

Direct reports (for managers): When applicable, employees working under a manager provide feedback on leadership style, delegation practices, and overall effectiveness.

Manager: Supervisors evaluate employee’s performance against set objectives, offering insights into work quality, problem-solving skills, and overall contribution.

This multi-source approach paints a more complete picture of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses, fostering a more holistic employee development strategy. With performance management software like Peoplebox, you can easily collect feedback from everyone involved. Try it yourself!

What are the Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback?

While traditional employee performance reviews offer a snapshot of employee performance, they often lack a comprehensive view. 360-degree feedback bridges this gap by incorporating insights from multiple sources, leading to a wealth of benefits for both employees and the organization. Let’s explore some key advantages:

Improved Self-Awareness: Employees gain a clearer picture of how they’re perceived by colleagues across different levels. This feedback helps them identify strengths they might not have realized and areas for improvement they may have overlooked.

Enhanced Communication: By highlighting communication styles and preferences, 360 degree feedback allows employees to adjust their approach for smoother collaboration. This leads to less miscommunication and a more positive work environment.

Better Team Dynamics: Understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses through 360 degree performance feedback fosters a spirit of collaboration. Teams can leverage individual talents more effectively, leading to improved synergy and project outcomes.

Targeted Development: The specific and actionable feedback provided through 360 degree reviews allows employees to focus on concrete areas for improvement. This targeted approach makes development efforts more efficient and impactful.

Increased Accountability: 360-degree employee feedback’s multi-source nature fosters a sense of shared responsibility for performance improvement. Employees feel accountable not just to their manager but also to their peers and direct reports.

Stronger Leadership Development: 360-degree feedback provides valuable insights into managers’ leadership styles and effectiveness. This feedback allows them to identify areas for improvement and become more effective leaders, ultimately benefiting their teams and the organization.

Before we move to the 360 degree feedback examples, if you’d like to learn more about 360 degree feedback, be sure to check out our blog post on ways to boost productivity with 360 degree performance feedback.

Thirty 360 Degree Feedback Examples for Peers

Providing effective peer reviews is crucial for fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. Here are 30 examples to help you craft impactful feedback for your colleagues:

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Communication

  1. “John consistently communicates complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for everyone to understand.”
  2. “Emily effectively summarizes meeting discussions, ensuring everyone is on the same page.”
  3. “Michael could improve his communication by providing more detailed explanations of project updates.”
  4. “Rachel is always available to answer questions and clarify any doubts, making her a valuable resource.”
  5. “David’s clear and concise emails reduce misunderstandings and improve team efficiency.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Collaboration

  1. “Sarah is always willing to help and support her colleagues, demonstrating a strong sense of teamwork.”
  2. “Tom consistently offers to help with tasks outside of his responsibilities, showcasing his commitment to the team.”
  3. “Lily could improve her collaboration by actively seeking input from others and incorporating their ideas.”
  4. “Chris is an excellent team player, always willing to adapt to changing priorities.”
  5. “Hannah’s proactive approach to resolving conflicts ensures that issues are addressed promptly and effectively.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Problem-Solving

  1. “Alex consistently approaches problems with a logical and analytical mindset, leading to effective solutions.”
  2. “Ben is skilled at identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems.”
  3. “Emily could improve her problem-solving by considering alternative perspectives and solutions.”
  4. “Michael’s creative solutions often lead to innovative and effective outcomes.”
  5. “Rachel is adept at breaking down complex problems into manageable tasks, making them easier to tackle.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Leadership

  1. “John consistently demonstrates leadership by taking initiative and guiding the team towards shared goals.”
  2. “Emily is an excellent role model, inspiring her colleagues to strive for excellence.”
  3. “Michael could improve his leadership by providing more guidance and support to his team members.”
  4. “Sarah is an effective leader, able to motivate and empower her team to achieve their best.”
  5. “David’s vision and strategic thinking inspire confidence and drive the team forward.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Adaptability

  1. “Tom is highly adaptable, able to adjust to changing priorities and deadlines with ease.”
  2. “Lily consistently demonstrates a willingness to learn and adapt to new processes and technologies.”
  3. “Chris could improve his adaptability by being more open to feedback and suggestions.”
  4. “Hannah is skilled at pivoting when necessary, ensuring that projects stay on track.”
  5. “Alex is adept at navigating ambiguity and uncertainty, remaining calm under pressure.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Time Management

  1. “Ben consistently meets deadlines and manages his time effectively, ensuring that projects are completed on schedule.”
  2. “Emily is skilled at prioritizing tasks and managing her workload, minimizing stress and maximizing productivity.”
  3. “Michael could improve his time management by setting realistic goals and avoiding procrastination.”
  4. “Sarah is an expert at delegating tasks and managing her team’s workload, ensuring that everyone is productive.”
  5. “David is adept at balancing multiple projects and tasks, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.”

These examples provide a starting point for peers to offer constructive and actionable feedback to their colleagues. By focusing on specific competencies and behaviors, peers can help their colleagues grow and improve in their roles.

Thirty 360 Degree Feedback Examples for Managers

Let’s face it—providing feedback to your managers can be daunting. However, offering constructive and actionable feedback is essential for fostering growth and development in the workplace. Here are 30 examples of 360-degree feedback that direct reports can use to provide valuable insights to their managers.

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Decision-Making

  1. “The team appreciates how David carefully considers all perspectives before making important decisions that impact the organization.”
  2. “Samantha could improve her decision-making by making more decisive choices and communicating the rationale behind them to the team.”
  3. “John consistently involves the team in decision-making, ensuring everyone is aligned and committed to the outcome.”
  4. “Emily is skilled at weighing the pros and cons of different options, making informed decisions that benefit the organization.”
  5. “Michael could improve his decision-making by considering alternative perspectives and solutions.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Communication

  1. “David is an excellent communicator, keeping the team informed about project updates and changes.”
  2. “Samantha could improve her communication by providing more detailed explanations of project goals and expectations.”
  3. “John consistently provides clear and concise instructions, making it easy for the team to understand their tasks.”
  4. “Emily is skilled at active listening, ensuring that everyone’s concerns and ideas are heard.”
  5. “Michael could improve his communication by being more transparent about his thought process and decision-making.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Leadership

  1. “John consistently demonstrates leadership by setting clear goals and expectations, motivating the team to achieve their best.”
  2. “Emily is an excellent role model, inspiring her colleagues to strive for excellence.”
  3. “Samantha could improve her leadership by providing more guidance and support to her team members.”
  4. “David is skilled at empowering his team members, giving them the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership.”
  5. “Michael could improve his leadership by being more approachable and open to feedback.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Problem-Solving

  1. “John consistently approaches problems with a logical and analytical mindset, leading to effective solutions.”
  2. “Emily is skilled at identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems.”
  3. “Samantha could improve her problem-solving by considering alternative perspectives and solutions.”
  4. “David is adept at breaking down complex problems into manageable tasks, making them easier to tackle.”
  5. “Michael could improve his problem-solving by being more proactive and anticipating potential issues.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Time Management

  1. “John consistently meets deadlines and manages his time effectively, ensuring that projects are completed on schedule.”
  2. “Emily is skilled at prioritizing tasks and managing her workload, minimizing stress and maximizing productivity.”
  3. “Samantha could improve her time management by setting realistic goals and avoiding procrastination.”
  4. “David is adept at balancing multiple projects and tasks, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.”
  5. “Michael could improve his time management by delegating tasks effectively and minimizing distractions.”

360 Degree Feedback Examples for Collaboration

  1. “John consistently collaborates with other departments, ensuring that projects are aligned with organizational goals.”
  2. “Emily is skilled at building strong relationships with her colleagues, fostering a positive and productive work environment.”
  3. “Samantha could improve her collaboration by actively seeking input from others and incorporating their ideas.”
  4. “David is adept at resolving conflicts and addressing issues promptly, maintaining a positive team dynamic.”
  5. “Michael could improve his collaboration by being more open to feedback and suggestions from his team members.”

Remember, while giving feedback to managers might seem tricky, working it correctly can help you provide efficient feedback.

Best Practices for Giving and Receiving 360 Degree Feedback

Implementing an effective 360 degree performance review process requires a thoughtful approach to both giving and receiving feedback. By following these best practices, organizations and individuals can ensure that the feedback process is constructive and meaningful and leads to tangible improvements.

Providing Effective Feedback

Be Specific: Offer concrete examples and observations to support your feedback rather than vague or generalized statements.

  • Vague: “Your communication skills could be improved.”
  • Specific: “In the last meeting, when you presented your ideas, you spoke very quickly and didn’t use visuals. This made it difficult for some team members to follow your points.”

Focus on Behaviors: Provide feedback on specific behaviors and actions rather than making judgments about the person’s character or personality.

  • Character Judgment: “You’re always so disorganized; it’s no wonder you missed the deadline.”
  • Behavior-Focused: “The report draft was missing some key data points, and it was submitted after the agreed-upon deadline. Let’s discuss strategies to improve organization and time management for future projects.”

Balance Positive and Constructive: Ensure that you include both positive feedback and negative feedback to create a well-rounded perspective.

  • All Negative: “Your presentation wasn’t very engaging, and the content lacked depth.”
  • Balanced: “Your presentation slides were visually appealing, and I appreciated the clear structure. However, including some real-world examples to illustrate your points would further strengthen your message.”

Align with Core Competencies: Link your feedback to the identified competencies and skills relevant to the individual’s role and the organization’s goals.

  • Generic: “You need to do better overall.”
  • Competency-Aligned: “For your role as a project manager, prioritizing tasks and delegating effectively are crucial. Let’s explore strategies to improve your workflow and ensure all team members are contributing efficiently.”

Offer Actionable Suggestions: Provide specific, actionable steps the individual can take to address areas for improvement and continue developing their skills.

  • Vague: “Try to be more assertive.”
  • Actionable: “In meetings, consider raising your hand to contribute your ideas, and if you disagree with a point, you can phrase it constructively like ‘I see your point, but have you considered X?'”

Receiving Feedback Effectively

  • Maintain an Open Mindset: Approach the feedback process with a growth mindset, ready to learn and improve rather than become defensive.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions: If any feedback is unclear or you need more context, don’t hesitate to ask for additional details or examples.
  • Prioritize Areas for Development: Review the feedback holistically and identify the 2-3 most critical areas to focus on for your personal and professional development.
  • Create an Action Plan: Develop a clear plan of action, including specific steps, resources, and timelines, to address the areas identified for improvement.
  • Follow Up and Reflect: Regularly review your progress, seek additional feedback, and adjust your action plan as needed to ensure continuous development.

Want an easier way out? Download our free 360 degree performance review template to get started!

Free 360 degree performance review template

What Types Of Questions To Ask In A 360 Degree Review?

Asking the right questions is the key to unlocking the full potential of a 360 degree feedback process. The questions you choose to ask can significantly impact the quality and relevance of the feedback received. By carefully crafting your questions, you can ensure that the feedback is targeted, actionable, and aligned with the individual’s and the organization’s goals.

Here are some sample questions to consider for each type of 360 degree feedback:


  1. How well do you feel you are meeting your performance goals?
  2. What are your biggest strengths that contribute to your success in this role?
  3. In what areas do you see the most potential for growth and development?
  4. What resources or support would be helpful for you to achieve your professional goals?

Managerial Feedback:

  1. Does the employee consistently meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work?
  2. How effectively does this employee communicate ideas and collaborate with colleagues?
  3. Does the employee demonstrate initiative and take ownership of their tasks?
  4. What areas could this employee improve on to further enhance their performance and leadership skills?

Peer Feedback:

  1. How effectively does this colleague contribute to team discussions and brainstorming sessions?
  2. Is this person reliable and dependable when it comes to meeting commitments?
  3. Does this colleague create a positive and supportive work environment for others?
  4. How could this employee further strengthen their teamwork and collaboration skills?

Direct Reports (for Managers):

  1. How clearly does your manager communicate expectations and deadlines?
  2. Does your manager provide constructive criticism and guidance to help you improve your skills?
  3. Does your manager create an environment where you feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns?
  4. How could your manager’s leadership style be more effective in supporting your development and motivation?

We cover more such important 360 degree feedback questions in-depth in our exclusive blog post. Check it out!

Collect Effective 360 Degree Feedback with Peoplebox

When it comes to collecting 360 degree feedback, it’s important to highlight the crucial role that technology can play in streamlining and optimizing the process. Peoplebox’s performance management platform offers a suite of features designed to help organizations collect, analyze, and act upon 360 degree feedback in a seamless and efficient manner.

One of the standout features of Peoplebox is its seamless integration with Slack. This integration allows employees to easily submit and receive feedback directly within the Slack environment, making the process more accessible and convenient. Additionally, it offers features like anonymous feedback surveys, weekly check-ins and one-on-ones, ensuring that feedback is not limited to formal review periods but is an ongoing process that supports continuous growth and development.

With Peoplebox, organizations can create a culture of continuous feedback and development where employees are empowered to grow, thrive, and contribute to the overall success of the organization. Ready to take your 360 degree feedback process to the next level? Talk to us today!

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60+ Powerful 360 Degree Feedback Examples