What Are Strategic Priorities? 5 Steps to Set Strategic Priorities

We all want our business to succeed, right?

But is it that easy for each business to meet the same goal?

While numerous factors contribute to growth and profitability, focusing on the right things is the first crucial step. But again, with so many tasks and initiatives vying for attention, prioritizing and allocating resources effectively can be difficult.

This is where setting clear strategic priorities comes into play. Regardless of its size or industry, every organization needs to have a well-defined understanding of its strategic priorities. These priorities help define the organization’s goals and objectives and serve as a roadmap for success.

In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of strategic priorities and their role in achieving organizational success. We will also outline five practical steps businesses can take to set their strategic priorities effectively.

Whether you are a startup, small and medium business, or large enterprise, this post will provide you with insights that align your goals and drive growth.

Let’s begin with the basic overview of strategic priorities.

What is Strategic Priority?

Strategic priorities or objectives are the critical, high-level initiatives that an organization focuses on to achieve its long-term goals and overall mission. These priorities serve as a foundation for decision-making, resource allocation, and performance measurement.

However, strategic priorities can vary depending on the organization’s or individual’s growth. They can include priorities such as increased market share, innovation, customer satisfaction, cost reduction, talent acquisition and retention, sustainability, and social responsibility.

Strategic priorities are the most important goals an organization must accomplish to achieve its vision. They are specific, measurable, and attainable within a certain time frame. Here’s a list of critical elements that fall under strategic priorities:

  • Mission statement
  • Vision statement
  • SWOT analysis
  • Action plan
  • KPIs

Benefits of Setting Strategic Priorities

When it comes to achieving success, setting strategic priorities is an essential step for any organization. It involves identifying the most critical areas of focus and aligning resources to achieve them. When done correctly, they can bring a range of benefits to the organization.

Here are some of the key benefits of setting strategic priorities:

1. Cost optimization, and increased profitability

By focusing on high-priority activities, you can avoid wasting resources on low-impact activities that do not contribute to your organization’s overall success. This alignment of resources helps you improve efficiency and reduce churn and costs, which leads to increased profitability.

2. Better utilization of resources

With well-defined strategic priorities in place, you can more effectively align the resources, time, and efforts to support the most critical initiatives minimizing waste and redundancies. As a result, your organization can achieve increased productivity and drive more significant business outcomes

3. Establish clarity of purpose

The true advantage of setting strategic priorities lies in fostering employee engagement and motivation through a clear sense of purpose. 

By pinpointing crucial goals and objectives, you enable the organization to align its activities and resources with the achievement of those targets. This clarity of purpose will drive employee engagement and fuels their motivation, as they understand what they are working towards and the underlying reasons.

4. Increased efficiency

This is a valuable benefit, as your business will be more efficient when you have a structured plan with better-suited resources. You can use them to their full potential and avoid wasting time on things that do not contribute to your goals. This helps avoid procrastination with a sharp strategy that delivers better results.

5. Improved decision-making

Setting strategic priorities can help to improve decision-making by providing a clear framework for evaluating options and making choices. With better decision-making, businesses can mitigate risks and increase the likelihood of success.

6. Aligning goals with mission and vision statements

Another significant advantage of setting strategic business priorities is the ability to align your organization’s goals with its broader mission and vision statements.  

This alignment ensures that your organization’s actions and objectives are in sync with its overarching purpose, contributing to a more focused and cohesive approach to achieving success.

Also read: Unleashing Organizational Potential with Strategic Performance Management

5 Steps to Set Strategic Priorities

While the specific steps involved in setting strategic priorities may vary depending on the business and its objectives, these ten key steps will help you create a robust strategic process for your business:

1. Determine your critical success factors–measures and metrics

Once you’ve identified your strategic objectives, it’s time to determine the critical success factors (CSFs) for each one. CSFs are the specific measures and metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of each objective.

Every business is unique, so the critical success factors for one company may be different from those of another. However, a general approach that companies can take to determine their CSFs is by asking themselves the following questions:

  1. What specific outcomes do we want to achieve with each strategic objective?
  2. How will we measure progress toward these outcomes?
  3. What metrics will we use to evaluate success?

By answering these questions, you can identify the CSFs that are most important to their success. Here are some examples of CSFs to help you better understand the same,

  • Increased customer loyalty.
  • Improved customer retention rates.
  • Increased revenue and profitability.

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis

After you’ve defined your CSFs, it’s time to conduct a SWOT analysis. You can use this tool to assess your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at any given time. It can help you identify potential problems before they happen and make informed decisions about how best to address them.

You can start with a simple brainstorming session to identify all the critical things to your business.

From there, you can compile a list of strengths and weaknesses related to each one. Use this information to create a SWOT chart that maps out your company’s strengths and weaknesses about its opportunities and threats.


This will help you conclude how best to move forward with your business plan.

Suggested read: SWOT Analysis: A Complete Guide for Your Business

3. Identify and prioritize your strategic objectives

With the SWOT analysis, you know your business’s strengths and weaknesses. You also know your opportunities and threats.  The next step is identifying strategic objectives to help you achieve your goals.

This requires prioritizing each objective based on its importance to the business. You can do this by asking these questions,

  • How important is this objective to the overall success of the business?
  • What impact will this objective have on the business?
  • How much effort and resources will be required to achieve this objective?

Condense and prioritize your strategic objectives, focusing on the most critical ones first. Assess your company’s strengths and weaknesses by performing a gap analysis, benchmarking against competitors, and evaluating resources like technology, human capital, and finances. Allocate resources to areas needing improvement, and determine if current capabilities suffice or if new ones are necessary.

For example, let’s say you have a B2B software development company, and your strategic objectives are to increase revenue, expand your product offerings, and enhance client relationships. First, prioritize these objectives. You may decide that increasing revenue is most crucial, followed by expanding product offerings and enhancing client relationships.

To assess your company’s strengths and weaknesses, perform a gap analysis and benchmark against competitors. You might discover that your technical expertise and client support are excellent, but your marketing efforts lag behind.

To address this, you have to allocate more resources to marketing, such as hiring a marketing specialist or investing in targeted advertising, to increase visibility and attract more clients. As you focus on these prioritized objectives, monitor your progress and adjust your strategy as needed to ensure that your current capabilities align with your goals or identify if new capabilities are required.

4. Align stakeholders

It’s important to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned with the strategic priorities of the business. This includes everyone from employees to customers to investors.

Regular updates, meetings, and reports can help you to communicate your mission, vision, and strategic objectives. This is especially important if you have a large team or board of directors. Make sure that all parties understand how each objective fits into the bigger picture and how it will be achieved.

5. Create an action plan and measure the effectiveness of your strategic priorities 

With all of the above steps completed, it’s time to create an action plan. This plan should include specific tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities for achieving each strategic objective.

This is the point at which you take your general assessment of goals and objectives, turn them into specific action steps, and assign people to carry out those tasks. 

This action plan should be a formal document that lists the steps or initiatives needed to achieve an objective. It is the primary source of information for how you’ll carry out, monitor, and control your goals.

Here are some strategic priority examples:

Action 1: Conduct Market Research

  • Individuals responsible: Market research team
  • Resources needed: Market research software tools, access to the target audience, questionnaire design
  • Deadline: June 30, 2023

Action 2: Launch Email Campaign

  • Individuals responsible: The email marketing team
  • Resources needed: Email marketing software tools, email template design, email list segmentation
  • Deadline: September 30, 2023

Once done, you have to monitor your strategic priorities by regularly tracking progress and evaluating the effectiveness of your action plan. Consider these methods for monitoring:

  • Set up regular check-ins: Schedule weekly or monthly meetings with responsible individuals to discuss progress, challenges, and solutions.
  • Measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify quantifiable metrics tied to each action, and track them to evaluate success. For example, track the number of completed surveys for market research or email open rates for the email campaign. 
  • Use OKRs: Continuously evaluate your Objectives and Key Results to ensure alignment with your goals. Make adjustments to your action plan if needed to stay on track. Use OKR software to make evaluation simpler.
  • Create progress reports: Compile regular progress reports that include KPIs, OKRs, and task completion status, and share them with stakeholders.

By consistently monitoring progress, you can identify areas needing adjustments and ensure that your strategic priorities are effectively achieved.

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When it comes to driving strategic priorities in an organization, alignment and focus are key. Peoplebox makes this process effortless by ensuring that every employee’s efforts are connected to the company’s overarching goals. Whether you’re aiming for growth, operational efficiency, or innovation, Peoplebox bridges the gap between company-wide objectives and individual performance.

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  • OKR & Goal Tracking: Seamlessly connect employee goals to strategic company priorities.
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This makes Peoplebox an essential tool for companies that prioritize strategic alignment and performance excellence.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, setting strategic priorities is a critical process that enables organizations to focus their resources, align stakeholders, and achieve their objectives efficiently. The ten steps outlined in this article, including defining your mission and vision, conducting a SWOT analysis, and creating an action plan, provide a decision-making framework for organizations to develop and prioritize their strategic goals.

However, it’s important to remember that setting strategic priorities is not a one-time task. Organizations should regularly review and update their priorities to ensure they remain aligned with changing market conditions, customer needs, and other factors.

By prioritizing your goals and strategies, your business can stay competitive, agile, and successful in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.


What is strategic prioritization?

Strategic prioritization is the process of identifying, ranking, and focusing on the most critical goals that an organization must achieve to fulfill its vision. It involves aligning these priorities with the organization’s mission, vision, and long-term success. In the context of a SaaS business, strategic prioritization helps allocate resources efficiently, ensuring efforts align with overall objectives. This process is crucial in decision-making, helping determine where to invest time, human capital, and financial resources.

What is an example of a strategic priority?

An example of a strategic priority could be ‘Improving customer satisfaction’. In a SaaS business, this could involve enhancing product features, providing excellent customer service, or improving user experience. Each strategic priority should be specific, measurable, and attainable, contributing to the company’s vision. These priorities serve as a roadmap for an organization, guiding its actions and decisions towards achieving its strategic goals.

How do you identify strategic priorities?

Identifying strategic priorities involves understanding the organization’s vision and mission, conducting a SWOT analysis, and determining the goals for each priority. For a SaaS business, it could also involve analyzing industry trends, customer feedback, and the competitive landscape. The identified strategic priorities should align with the company’s long-term goals. This process helps to ensure that the organization’s efforts are focused on what is most important for its success.

How to develop strategic priorities?

Developing strategic priorities involves setting clear, measurable goals that align with the organization’s vision and mission. It requires a thorough understanding of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It could also involve leveraging strategy execution platform, like Peoplebox to create a strategic plan that guides the organization towards achieving its objectives.

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What Are Strategic Priorities? 5 Steps to Set Strategic Priorities