OKR Examples for Product Team

Create product OKRs that drive alignment and accountability in an agile setup

  • KR1

    Align teams & execute product roadmap faster
  • KR2

    Focus on key product initiatives efficiently
  • KR3

    Build an agile product team
Group 19

Example: 1

Objective : Make it easy for the user to understand product through documentation

Focus on creating comprehensive, clear, and accessible documentation to help users understand the product's features, benefits, and functionality.

  • KR1

    At least 95% of features should be documented properly
  • KR2

    Solve at least 30% of customer queries directly from the FAQ section
  • KR3

    Improve the # of readers for release note documents by 50%
  • KR4

    Create and publish at least 5 new resources with 85% of users rating the new resources as helpful or very helpful
  • KR5

    Redesign the documentation portal to improve user navigation and content organization
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Example: 2

Objective : Be the most loved product in our niche

Focus on cultivating user satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

  • KR1

    Improve the quarterly downloads on the app by 35% to become the most downloaded app
  • KR2

    Improve Monthly Active Users (MAU) by 12%
  • KR3

    Improve weekly active users by 20%
  • KR4

    Identify and address the top 3 user pain points in the product, resulting in a 15% reduction in negative feedback related to those issues.
  • KR5

    Achieve a minimum 90% satisfaction rate for the updated or new features

Example: 3

Objective : Make users stick around with native integrations

Work on enhancing user retention and engagement by developing and implementing seamless native integrations with popular third-party tools and platforms.

  • KR1

    Launch the top 10 most asked integration in this quarter
  • KR2

    Increase the integration usages by 30%
  • KR3

    At least 70% of paid customers are using more than 3+ integrations
  • KR4

    Design and develop at least 4 new native integrations with the prioritized third-party tools in Q3
  • KR5

    Drive a minimum 30% adoption rate of the new integrations among existing users within three months of launch.
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Example: 4

Objective : Make our product experience work like butter

Create a smooth, intuitive, and delightful user experience for our product, ensuring that interactions are seamless and frictionless.

  • KR1

    Improve NPS for UX by 30%
  • KR2

    50% of new legit-users finish 3 steps of onboarding
  • KR3

    Improve Avg. time spent per session by 20%
  • KR4

    Conduct a comprehensive UI/UX audit to identify areas for improvement, addressing at least 40% of identified issues in Q2
  • KR5

    Achieve a minimum 85% satisfaction rate for overall user experience

Example: 5

Objective : Drive product development velocity

Accelerate the pace of product development by streamlining processes, enhancing collaboration, and optimizing resource allocation.

  • KR1

    Raise MRR from 7 to 10 per month
  • KR2

    Reduce mean time to production to 3 days
  • KR3

    Boost merge requests per engineer by 40% for all teams
  • KR4

    Optimize team capacity by reducing the number of context-switching instances or disruptions by 20%
  • KR5

    Conduct biweekly cross-functional meetings to discuss project status, share insights, and address challenges, resulting in a 15% improvement in team alignment
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Example: 6

Objective : Increase user engagement with key product features

Drive user engagement with essential features by refining the user experience, enhancing feature discoverability, and offering personalized recommendations.

  • KR1

    Increase the visibility of key features within the product interface, resulting in a 30% increase in feature discovery and usage.
  • KR2

    Implement in-product contextual help or tooltips for key features, achieving a 90% completion rate for users who access them.
  • KR3

    Deliver personalized feature recommendations to at least 70% of users within the product or via email notifications.
  • KR4

    Conduct a usability audit and address at least 80% of identified issues related to key features within the specified time frame.
  • KR5

    Develop a user behavior analysis system to identify patterns and preferences.

Example: 7

Objective : Boost product availability and performance

Ensure the product is consistently available, responsive, and efficient for all users.

  • KR1

    Optimize resource utilization, achieving a 20% reduction in infrastructure costs
  • KR2

    Identify and address the top 3 performance bottlenecks, achieving a 20% improvement in load times and a 10% reduction in latency.
  • KR3

    Increase the overall product performance score by 15%.
  • KR4

    Implement a monitoring and alert system to proactively identify and resolve performance issues, reducing downtime by 50%.
  • KR5

    Achieve a minimum 99.9% uptime for the product, minimizing disruptions and ensuring a reliable user experience.
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Example: 8

Objective : Initiate a user-testing program for our product

Implement a comprehensive user-testing program to gather valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the overall user experience.

  • KR1

    Identify and prioritize key product areas and features for user testing, ensuring that at least 80% of core functionality is covered.
  • KR2

    Recruit a minimum of 50 user testers, ensuring a diverse representation of the target audience.
  • KR3

    Achieve a minimum 80% completion rate for user-testing tasks and activities.
  • KR4

    Achieve a minimum 70% rate of actionable feedback, allowing the product team to prioritize and address specific areas for improvement.
  • KR5

    Conduct post-testing debrief sessions with at least 80% of user testers.

Example: 9

Objective : Identify a product-market fit for the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Refine the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to ensure our product meets the specific needs of our target market segment.

  • KR1

    Survey a minimum of 200 potential customers within the target market, gathering insights on their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • KR2

    Connect with buyers and conduct top 10 problem interviews to match our ICP.
  • KR3

    Aim to get a 10/10 internal feedback score from the sales team.
  • KR4

    Achieve 9/10 usability score from existing 20 customers.
  • KR5

    Identify and test top 5 ideas from user interviews.
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Example: 10

Objective : Launch the Version 2 of our product successfully

Develop, refine, and launch version 2 of our main product, ensuring that it meets user needs, is of high quality, and is delivered on schedule.

  • KR1

    Complete the development of at least 90% of planned features and improvements for version 2, based on the prioritized product roadmap.
  • KR2

    Address and resolve at least 95% of identified bugs and performance issues prior to launch.
  • KR3

    Implement a PM tool to track the progress of each task with at least 90% of team members actively using it.
  • KR4

    Conduct regular progress updates with a minimum of 95% positive feedback on communication quality and frequency.
  • KR5

    Achieve a minimum 80% satisfaction rate among existing users who upgrade to version 2.

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Frequently Asked Questions

For product teams, OKRs are crucial to aligning team members, prioritizing work, and ensuring that the team’s efforts are focused on achieving the most significant impact on product development, user satisfaction, and business outcomes.
Product team OKRs are typically set and reviewed on a quarterly basis. This time frame allows for the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions, user needs, and business priorities, while still providing a clear and structured framework for setting and achieving short-term goals. However, some organizations may choose to set and review OKRs on a monthly or biannual basis, depending on their specific needs and circumstances.
To ensure alignment between product team OKRs and overall company objectives, it’s essential to involve key stakeholders from various departments during the OKR-setting process. This collaboration helps to ensure that product team objectives are aligned with broader business goals and that the product team’s work contributes to the company’s overall success. Additionally, regularly reviewing and discussing OKRs with stakeholders can help maintain alignment and facilitate adjustments as needed.
To create measurable and achievable OKRs, product teams should focus on setting specific, quantifiable key results (KRs) that directly contribute to the objective. KRs should be realistic and based on available resources, team capacity, and market conditions. Product teams should also be prepared to review and adjust their OKRs as needed, in response to unforeseen challenges or changing circumstances.
Involving users in the OKR-setting process can help product teams create more user-centric objectives and KRs. Some ways to involve users include conducting user surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback and insights, incorporating user feedback in the prioritization and roadmapping process, and conducting user testing for new features and improvements. By including users in the OKR process, product teams can ensure that their objectives are aligned with user needs and preferences.

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How to Set Your OKRs Using Peoplebox

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OKR Examples for Product Team | Peoplebox