OKR Examples for Customer Success Teams

Help your customer success team achieve best business outcomes by setting the right OKRs

  • KR1

    Build a great customer-centric culture
  • KR2

    Help customer success team connect their goals with business goals
Group 19

Example: 1

Objective : Build Exceptional Customer Experience for our tier-1 customers

Deliver tailored, high-quality service and support to our tier-1 customers, ensuring their unique needs are met and they receive an exceptional customer experience.

  • KR1

    Increase tier 1 NPS from 25 to 35
  • KR2

    Conduct QBR with 100% of the tier-1 customers
  • KR3

    Achieve 100% renewal rate from tier-1 customers
  • KR4

    Achieve a 95% satisfaction rate among tier-1 customers
  • KR5

    Assign dedicated customer success managers to 100% of tier-1 accounts
1 1 1
2 1 1

Example: 2

Objective : Smash renewals goals

Exceed renewal targets by providing exceptional support and fostering strong relationships with customers, ensuring they recognize the ongoing value of our product.

  • KR1

    Achieve more than 85% renewal rate
  • KR2

    At least 40% of renewals are multi-year contract
  • KR3

    Ensure 100% of customer success managers execute renewal plan
  • KR4

    Achieve a 110% renewal rate for all customers
  • KR5

    Identify and address the top 3 reasons for non-renewals

Example: 3

Objective : Build a world-class customer success team

Recruit, train, and retain top talent in the customer success field, creating a team that consistently delivers exceptional customer experiences and drives business growth.

  • KR1

    Hire 5 new Customer Success Managers
  • KR2

    Train 100% of customer success team on Customer Success playbook
  • KR3

    Reduce the attrition in customer success from 30% to 15%
  • KR4

    Achieve a 95% retention rate among customer success team members
  • KR5

    Measure and maintain an internal team satisfaction score of 4.5/5
3 1 1
4 1 1

Example: 4

Objective : Build strong relationships with key executives in the client organization

Forge and maintain lasting relationships with key executives in client organizations, positioning our company as a trusted partner and ensuring long-term success for both parties.

  • KR1

    At-least 90% of QBR held in presence of key executives
  • KR2

    Increase key executives NPS from 30 to 55
  • KR3

    At-least 90% of the customer success team met all key executives once in the current quarter
  • KR4

    Identify and engage with key executives in 100% of top-tier accounts
  • KR5

    Arrange quarterly executive meetings or calls with 90% of identified key executives

Example: 5

Objective : Improve customer satisfaction ratings

Achieve higher customer satisfaction scores by delivering exceptional service and support.

  • KR1

    Increase average customer satisfaction rating to 4.5/5
  • KR2

    Reduce average resolution time for support tickets by 30%
  • KR3

    Implement a quarterly customer feedback survey with at least 75% participation
  • KR4

    Train customer success team on new product features and updates each quarter
  • KR5

    Achieve a 95% first response time within 24 hours
5 1 1
6 1 1

Example: 6

Objective : Boost customer retention rates

Maintain a loyal customer base by providing proactive support and exceptional customer experiences.

  • KR1

    Increase annual customer retention rate to 95%
  • KR2

    Identify and address the top 3 reasons for customer churn
  • KR3

    Implement a customer loyalty program with a 70% adoption rate
  • KR4

    Conduct quarterly business reviews with 90% of key accounts
  • KR5

    Provide personalized outreach to at-risk customers, reducing churn by 20%

Example: 7

Objective : Enhance customer onboarding experience

Ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding process for new customers to maximize satisfaction and long-term success.

  • KR1

    Reduce average onboarding time by 50%
  • KR2

    Develop and implement an onboarding checklist for all new customers
  • KR3

    Achieve a 90% completion rate for onboarding tasks within the first 30 days
  • KR4

    Collect feedback from new customers and implement improvements quarterly
  • KR5

    Maintain a 90% satisfaction rate for the onboarding process
7 1 1
8 1 1

Example: 8

Objective : Increase product adoption

Encourage customers to adopt and utilize all available product features, leading to improved satisfaction and retention.

  • KR1

    Achieve a 25% increase in feature adoption rate
  • KR2

    Develop and implement a customer education program on product features
  • KR3

    Host monthly webinars showcasing new product features, with 80% customer attendance
  • KR4

    Identify and address the top 3 barriers to feature adoption
  • KR5

    Create personalized adoption plans for key accounts

Example: 9

Objective : Improve customer support quality

Continuously improve the quality of customer support by investing in team development and refining processes.

  • KR1

    Increase the average support quality score to 4.6/5
  • KR2

    Implement a bi-annual support team training program
  • KR3

    Reduce escalations by 30% through improved first-contact resolution
  • KR4

    Establish a knowledge base for customers to access support resources easily
  • KR5

    Implement a customer support chatbot to handle 50% of common inquiries
9 1 1
10 1 1

Example: 10

Objective : Enhance cross-functional collaboration

Foster a collaborative environment between customer success and other departments to improve customer outcomes.

  • KR1

    Hold monthly cross-functional meetings with 100% attendance
  • KR2

    Develop a shared project management system for tracking customer-related initiatives
  • KR3

    Achieve a 25% increase in cross-functional projects completed
  • KR4

    Implement a customer feedback loop to share insights across departments
  • KR5

    Improve internal customer satisfaction score by 20%

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Frequently Asked Questions

Evaluate your organization’s strategic priorities and align your customer success objectives with those goals. Consider customer feedback, current customer success performance, and industry trends to identify key areas that need improvement or can drive customer satisfaction and retention.
Some key metrics for customer success OKRs include customer satisfaction scores, customer retention rates, resolution times, product adoption rates, and upsell or cross-sell rates. Choose metrics that are relevant to your objectives and that can be quantified to track progress effectively.
Collaborate with other departments and share your customer success OKRs to ensure alignment with overall organizational goals. Cross-functional meetings and shared project management systems can help facilitate this process and promote collaboration.
Analyze the reasons behind the lack of progress and identify areas for improvement. This may involve reviewing processes, reallocating resources, or addressing skill gaps within the customer success team. Adjust your OKRs as needed to ensure they remain realistic and achievable.
Encourage team members to participate in setting customer success objectives and key results, and to share their insights and concerns throughout the OKR cycle. Regular check-ins and transparent communication will keep everyone engaged and accountable.

Industry Recognition​

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How to Set Your OKRs Using Peoplebox

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OKR Examples for Customer Success Teams | Peoplebox