Performance management software for magical employee experience

Trusted by 500+ HR leaders for performance management

Drive better team performance by connecting people strategy
with business strategy

Empower your organization and people to reach their full potential with
the most effective OKR & Performance Management platform that actually get adopted.

Performance Management

Manage & track team performance easily, cut the administrative choas

OKR & Business Reviews

Track & review OKRs & KPIs easily to achieve faster business results

Employee Engagement

Retain top talent & build an elite culture

What's unique in Peoplebox?

Unlike other platform that makes your HR processes efficient, Peoplebox directly impacts business results
and helps HR leaders play a more strategic role.


Directly Impact Business Results

  • Single platform to connect People and Business Strategy
  • Run business reviews where OKRs are set and aligned
  • Central hub to align & track goals, projects & KPIs and embed them in review boards

  • Retain top talent & build an elite culture

  • Gain actionable Insights into your People & Culture
  • Make employees feel heard by responding to their anonymous feedback
  • Save time & effort in running surveys and preparing reports with complete automation

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    Automated Goal Tracking

    Integrations for efficient workflows

  • Integration with work tools to update goals automatically
  • Integrate Projects and Tasks from anywhere
  • Run Performance Reviews and Check-ins within Slack/ Teams

  • Run Customized 360 degree Reviews

  • Customise and run your performance reviews as per needs
  • Add custom weightage for goals, competency, and values
  • Advance formula and Calibration for final rating calculation

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    What our customers say

    The difference Peoplebox can make for your organization.

    Don’t just solve for efficiency. Fix misalignment, lack of visibility and poor execution.


    Reduction in compensation costs


    Less time spent on running Reviews


    More Employee Retention


    Boost in Business Success

    Get 50% off on our full-suite premium plan

    All features included in OKR, Performance Management & Employee Engaement

    Copyright © 2023 Peoplebox | All Rights Reserved.

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    Peoplebox – Performance Management Platform